
zhí mín zhàn zhēnɡ
  • colonial war
  1. 实现新型工化的手段,决不像传统工业化那样靠殖民战争和掠夺,只能靠国际合作:引进外资和先进技术、对外贸易、共享市场等,这就需要和平的国际环境。

    The realization of the new type of industrialization must rely on international cooperation , the introduction of foreign investment and advanced technology , foreign trade and sharing markets rather than the traditional mode of colonial war and ruthless exploitation .

  2. 密特朗总统昨天到达河内,以期结束长久以来殖民战争和冷战造成的敌意。

    President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities .

  3. 通过货币战争,他们进行着看不见的新殖民战争。目的是让中国人民为美国乃至整个西方进来的金融危机买单。

    By money-war , they makes an invisible new colonial rob , in order to divert their own expense in financial crisis onto us .

  4. 老挝于1945年赢得独立,接着在反法殖民战争后于1954年初步获得日内瓦会议保证的中立国地位;

    Laos won its independence in 1945 and acquired its preliminary neutrality guaranteed by the Geneva Conference in 1954 after the anti - colonialism war against France .

  5. 其次,他们当时正在阿尔及利亚进行一场日益变得棘手的小型殖民地战争。

    Second , they were fighting an increasingly nasty little colonial war in Algeria .

  6. 它们令这个小小的城市成为爪哇传统文化的心脏,经历了殖民、战争、占领、革命与多年的专制统治,这种文化依然被保存下来。

    They made this small city the heartland of traditional Javanese culture , protected during colonization , wartime , occupation , revolution and years of authoritarian rule .

  7. 殖民,战争是20世纪人类历史上最大的苦难之源,无数鲜活的生命在非人道的殖民统治和非正义的战争中惨死,人性的光芒被鲜血遮蔽。

    Both colonization and war are the greatest sources of suffering in the 20th century . Countless people lose their lives in inhuman colonization and unjust wars , and humanness is covered by blood .

  8. 一七七五年英国与她的美洲殖民地进行战争。

    In 1775 , England was at war with her American colonies .

  9. 美国的独立战争实际是一场关于殖民地的战争。

    American Independence War is really a colonial war .

  10. 新英格兰印第安人是如何在殖民时期美国战争中采用武器和其对战争的暗示的。

    How New England Indians adopted firearms and the implications it had for warfare in colonial America .

  11. 二战结束后,法国即在印支发动了重建殖民统治的战争。

    Shortly after World War ⅱ, France launched a war in Indochina to reestablish its colonial rule there .

  12. 七年战争对北美殖民地独立战争的爆发和胜利具有重要的促进作用。

    The " Seven - year War " has promoted the outbreak and the victory of the Independent War .

  13. 多年来,一届又一届日本首相就该国的殖民统治和战争侵略行为表达了忏悔之意。

    Over the years , a procession of Japanese prime ministers has expressed contrition for colonial rule and wartime aggression .

  14. 康科德的战斗以及莱克星顿“声震全世界的一枪”,实际上非正式地宣布了殖民地独立战争的开始。

    The battle of Concord and its " shot heard round the world " would mark the unofficial beginning of the colonies war for independence .

  15. 在北美殖民地独立战争中,其他欧洲国家出于削弱英国以达到恢复欧洲势力均衡的目的,支持了殖民地的独立战争。

    In the War of Independence of the north American colonies , other European countries ' support to the colonies weakens Great Britain to achieve the ": balance of power " in Europe .

  16. 随着反对英国的殖民统治和独立战争的胜利,自由主义成为美国人根深蒂固的价值取向。

    As insurrection to British colonial rule and the victory of the War of Independence , liberalism has become deep-rooted values to the American .

  17. 殖民意识通过对战争意识形态的误导、对知识分子的利用和对殖民地话语权的压制三个方面对殖民地实施影响。

    The colonial ideology exerts its influence on the colony by misleading the war ideology , taking advantage of intellectuals and suppressing the discourse right in the colony .

  18. 尽管雅利安人拥有军事优势,但地中海国家并没有屈服,殖民地的区域战争激烈进行,但任何一方都不能主宰另一方。

    Although the Aryans had the military edge , the Mediterranean states did not succumb , and regional colonial wars raged on with neither side able to dominate the other .

  19. 九一八事变以后,日本把东北完全变成了自己的殖民地和支援战争的前沿阵地,并于1932年炮制了伪满洲国。

    After the Sept.18 Incident , northeast in China became the colony of Japan and the position in the war . It work out puppet Manchukuo in 1932.It caused the economy in Northeast be controlled by Japan .

  20. 本文以福克蘭主权争端作为个案研究,分析后帝国时代,殖民地主权转移与殖民地战争的问题。

    Based on disputes over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands , this paper analyzes the problems of transfer of sovereignty of a colony and related wars in the post-colonial era .