
  • 网络Interactive experience;Interaction Experience;Innovation Interactive
  1. VR通常被理解为一个以电脑模拟,使用3D图形与某些装置,以提供一互动体验。

    VR is commonly understood as a computer simulation that uses3D graphics and devices to provide an interactive experience .

  2. 随着《过山车大亨》(RollerCoasterTycoon)等电脑游戏移植到了智能手机上,这一款次世代的过山车游戏可以让玩家有着时尚的互动体验。

    With classic PC games like Roller Coaster Tycoon now playable on smartphones , this next generation of thrill-ride creator is a welcome interactive experience .

  3. 而IPTV的业务也不仅仅局限于传统电视业务,视频点播、远程教育、在线游戏、视频会议、短信等都将融合在IPTV业务中,带给用户多种方式的互动体验。

    IPTV service also not limits to traditional television service , video on demand , distance education , online games , video conference , short messages and so on will be integrated into IPTV service .

  4. 为展示VR中的社交互动体验可能是什么样的,扎克伯格为自己的虚拟化身(avatar)、实景中他的狗、以及他妻子打来的视频电话窗口拍了一张自拍照。

    Mr Zuckerberg took a selfie of his avatar with a 360-degree photo of his dog , alongside a video call from his wife , to illustrate what social experiences might look like in VR .

  5. 以此把握触控式虚拟展示中互动体验的受众心理需求和设计诉求。

    In order to grasp the audience psychological needs and design demands .

  6. 互动体验性的外部开放空间设计&中国2010年上海世博会园区广场体系规划研究

    Interactive Open Space Design & Study on Plaza System Planning of Expo 2010 Shanghai China

  7. 这是美国国家民权与人权中心博物馆内设置的互动体验。

    That 's an interactive experience inside the national center for civil and human rights .

  8. 培训更多互动体验,为参与者提供了深度卷入、体验转变的机会。

    It offers participants a chance to engage in a deeply involving and transformational group experience .

  9. 还是暴雪式令人上瘾的互动体验?

    Addictive interactive experiences like Blizzard ?

  10. 奥运互动体验区,通过亲身体验模拟赛艇、模拟射击等项目使参观者体验部分奥运赛项。

    In the Olympic Inter-active Experience Area , the audiences have an opportunity to experience such simulated canoeing and shooting event .

  11. 你正在进行训练自己的情感共鸣,训练自己采取的行动的互动体验。

    So this interactive experience in which you 're training yourself to emotionally resonate , training yourself to take an action .

  12. 越是让鸟类享受成功的互动体验,就越是加强其合作关系,互动行为将越有可能被保留下来。

    The more successful interactive experiences the young bird enjoys , the more it is reinforced in cooperation , the more likely interactive behavior will remain .

  13. 高速互联网接入迅速普及,加上越来越容易将自己的文本、音频和视频内容放到网上并进行编辑,使得媒体消费已经从一种被动体验转变成互动体验。

    The rapid spread of high-speed Internet connections , together with the greater ease with which people can put their own text , audio and video content on the web and edit it , has changed media consumption from a passive experience to an interactive one .

  14. 可采取的旅游服务的体验营销内容包括设计有吸引力的旅游体验主题,提升旅游服务的体验价值,展示体验式旅游有形物,营造旅游互动体验氛围、重视对游客的感官刺激等。

    The contents of experiential marketing of tourism service include designing attractive theme of tourism experience , exalting the experience value of tourism service , exhibiting the tangible things of experiential tourism , building up interactive experiential atmosphere of tourism and emphasizing the sensuous stimulation to the tourists .

  15. 除了互动体验,上海天文馆还将展出许多稀有展品,包括艾萨克·牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》第一版英文译本(出版于1729年),这部著作奠定了现代物理学和天文学的基础。

    Besides interactive experiences , the museum will also exhibit many rare items , including a first edition copy of the first English translation of Isaac Newton 's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - which laid the foundation of modern physics and astronomy . It was published in 1729 .

  16. 本研究在此基础上认为品牌资产是消费者与品牌长期互动(体验)的过程中,基于品牌认知(BrandKnowledge)而对所选择品牌的反应,即品牌资产来源于消费者的品牌认知和感知质量。

    So this study views that brand equity is a reaction to choose brand based on brand-knowledge in the personal experience-process , in another word , brand equity comes from the brand-knowledge and perceived quality of the customers .

  17. 另外,公司倾力打造的SNS社区《经典世界》,结合网页游戏与社区养成的双重特性,为玩家带来最新的互动娱乐体验!

    In addition , the SNS community Classical World of this company , combined with dual characteristics of web games and community brings new interactive entertainment experience for players !

  18. 随着Web2.0应用的流行,Internet的使用方式出现了一种新趋势:针对内容管理、信息共享、通信、团队合作等创建一种更加以用户为中心的方法。Web设计中互动和体验变得尤为重要。

    With the popularity of Web 2.0 applications , there is a new trend occuring in the Internet : creating a more user-centered approach for content management , information sharing , communication , teamwork and etc. Particularly , interaction and experience in web design become increasingly important .

  19. 基于多感官互动的体验性城市景观形象设计

    Based on Multi-sensory Interactive Experience of Urban Landscape Image Design

  20. 参加对所有人都有益的互动式体验是任何一个人都不应该错过的。

    Participating in interactive experiences beneficial to all is something that no one should miss .

  21. 加强职业篮球产品的生产者与消费者间的信息沟通和互动是体验营销的两个具体措施。

    Enhancing Information communication and interaction between providers and consumers are two specific measures of marketing experience .

  22. 青少年及儿童一站式购物、餐饮、娱乐、互动、体验空间。

    Youngsters and children 's one stop shopping , cantering , entertainment , inter-activity , experience space .

  23. 通过网络向大量用户提供互动多媒体体验不再是梦。

    Delivery of an interactive multimedia experience over a network to a large audience is no longer a dream .

  24. 比如,现代的“智能电视”系统让观众们有了更加互动的体验。

    Modern " Smart TV " systems , for example , allow the viewer to have a more interactive experience .

  25. 多元学习策略:运用多元智能引导互动与体验式的主题,促进经验与省思的连结。

    Multi-intelligence learning strategies : these sessions include diverse learning modes to facilitate interactive and experiential topics , enhancing the connection between and integration of experience and reflection .

  26. 我认为,或许可以透过这三者的交感与互动来体验、思考与创造这样一种复杂性。

    I suggest that perhaps the free inter-relation and interaction among body , language and thinking might provide a clue to experience , understand and create such complexity .

  27. 陶瓷馆移至武英殿,为参观者提供了更大的展览空间并带来更多的互动参观体验。

    The gallery has been moved to the Hall of Martial Valor , or Wuying Dian in Chinese , offering visitors a larger exhibition space and a more interactive visiting experience .

  28. 课题以情侣产品为研究对象,分析目前市场上情侣产品从外观、意义上进行情感表达的现状,侧重于实现情侣产品使用过程中用户多层面的情感体验及情侣之间情感互动的体验。

    The study takes the couple products as the research object ; analysis present couple products in the market , which express emotion from appearance and significance ; stresses realize multiple experiences and inter experience between couples which produces from the use process .

  29. 中国移动珠海商务吧业务展示系统将以多样化的展示为手段,以丰富游戏故事情节为主线;以优良的互动与体验为宗旨;以完善的信息收集为基础;以个性化的服务为前导。

    Zhuhai , China Mobile Display Systems will be a variety of display as a means to enrich the main story line of the game ; with good interaction and experience for the purpose ; to improve the basis of information collected ; with personalized service to leading .

  30. 英特尔实验室的用户互动和体验部主管吉纳维芙•贝尔博士说:人们仍然在摸索分享的意义:你要与之分享的观众是谁,这些观众需要什么,他们对所分享物的感觉如何?

    People are still sorting through what does it means to share , who is the audience you are sharing with , what do those audiences want and how do they feel about things ? said Dr Genevieve Bell , the director of user interaction and experience at Intel Labs .