
rén kǒu diào chá
  • demographic census;head count;nose-count;census
  1. Pew依据对美国人口普查局当期人口调查(CurrentPopulationSurvey)的数据进行的分析来解析全职妈妈的趋势。

    The Pew analysis of trends for stay-at-home moms is based on an analysis of data from the Census Bureau 's Current Population Survey .

  2. n.人口调查;户口调查在美国每十年有一次人口调查。

    census In the United States there is a census every ten years .

  3. 美国人口调查局(TheCensusBureau)最近报告,有15%或4650万美国人生活贫困。

    The Census Bureau recently reported that 15 % of Americans , or 46.5 million people , live in poverty .

  4. 加拿大统计局(StatisticsCanada)的最新人口调查结果显示,该市45.7%的人口出生在加拿大以外,使其成为全球最为多元化的城市。

    According to the latest Statistics Canada census , 45.7 per cent of the city 's population was born outside Canada , making it the world 's most culturally diverse city .

  5. 政府宣称,在肯塔基州,一名从事人口调查工作的工人在一棵树上吊死亡。死者在胸口上写有“Fed”的字样后自杀,并伪装成他杀。

    Authorities say a census worker found hanging from a tree in Kentucky with the word " Fed " on his chest committed suicide and staged his death to look like a homicide .

  6. 本文利用2004年深圳市封闭小区流动人口调查数据,构建并测算了流动人口的流动间隔,同时运用COX比例风险模型,分析了影响流动间隔的社会经济因素。

    Based on a survey of the floating population in Shenzhen , this paper constructs and measures the migration interval of floating population , and further explores the socio-economic factors affecting it by Cox Hazard Model .

  7. 利用2002年上海市浦东新区外来人口调查数据,运用多元Logistic回归方法,定量分析了农村已婚流动妇女的社会网络和社会融合对其避孕行为转变的影响。

    Using the data from " The Survey for Floating Population in New Pudong District , Shanghai in 2002 " and the multi-element logistic regression method , the paper analyzes the impact of the social network and social integration on the change of contraceptive action of rural migrant married women .

  8. 基地坐落在美国洛杉矶的老人医学研究组织此前将Sanborn女士列为世界上最长寿的人,这是基于1900年时的人口调查数据。

    The Los Angeles-based Gerontology Research Group listed Ms Sanborn as the world 's oldest person , based on data from the 1900 census .

  9. 香港保安局(SecurityBureau)副局长李家超(LeeKa-chiu)周日表示,警方的失踪人口调查组正在试图查明李波(LeeBo)的下落,后者上周三最后一次在香港露面,但警方尚未得出任何结论。

    Lee Ka-chiu , a senior official in the government 's security bureau , said on Sunday that the police missing persons unit was trying to find out what happened to Lee Bo , who was last seen in Hong Kong on Wednesday , but that it had not yet reached any conclusions .

  10. 根据最近的人口调查,我们的人口增加了。

    According to the latest census , our population has increased .

  11. 人口调查局是商业部的一个机构。

    The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department .

  12. 人口调查表明这个城镇的人口为21856名。

    The census gives the population of the town as 21856 .

  13. 问题是这些仅仅是人口调查。

    The problem , though , is that these are population studies .

  14. 商业部的一个局,负责人口调查工作。

    The Bureau of the commerce department responsible for taking the census .

  15. 在美国每十年有一次人口调查。

    In the United States there is a census every ten years .

  16. 来自印度2011年的人口调查的消息几乎都让人振奋。

    THE news from India 's 2011 census is almost all heartening .

  17. 拉萨出租车行业流动人口调查

    Investigation on Temporary Migrants of Taxi Industry in Lhasa

  18. 本文研究这些度量可以从人口调查数据中估计。

    This paper shows that these measures can be estimated using a survey .

  19. 完全是一种单一的颜色。人口调查的不完全统计

    Entirely of a single color throughout . census undercount

  20. 调查数据来自美国劳工统计局、人口调查局、行业协会的。

    S.Bureau of Labor Statistics , the Census Bureau and trade association studies .

  21. 你觉得这些人口调查报告的资料还算准确吗?

    Do you think that the information in these census returns was fairly accurate ?

  22. 兰州市流动人口调查报告

    Investigation Report of the Flowing Population in Lanzhou

  23. 北京地区0~18岁残疾儿童人口调查报告

    Report on Demographic Survey of Disabled People Aged from 0 to 18 in Beijing

  24. 人口调查局说确切的时间是东部时间今天早上7:46。

    The Census Bureau says the official moment was at7:46 this morning Eastern Time .

  25. 348.明智者的传感器对人口调查废话敏感。

    348 . A sensible man 's sensor is sensitive to nonsense on census .

  26. 调查了在1994年到1998年期间诊断的846名肺癌病人和根据人口调查资料随机确定的1740名对照。

    We interviewed 846 lung cancer cases diagnosed between 1994-1998 and 1740 population-based controls .

  27. 最新的人口调查数据显示,现在中国男人要比女人多。

    Recent census figures show that there are now more men than women in China .

  28. 根据第六次人口调查的相关数据显示。

    As the sixth census figures show .

  29. 根据人口调查资料随机选取对照,对照要在年龄、性别、地区方面与病例相匹配。

    Controls were randomly selected from census lists and matched on age sex and prefecture .

  30. 昆山市流动人口调查研究

    Investigation on Floating Population in Kunshan City