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  • 网络Taizhou;seo
  1. 基于GIS的泰州医药城土地生态适宜性评价

    GIS-based Land Suitability Evaluation of Ecological of China Medicine City in Taizhou

  2. GPS定位技术在城区地籍测量中的应用&以江苏省泰州市为例

    Application of GPS to Taizhou Cadastral Survey of Jiangsu Province

  3. 泰州市GPS高程拟合的研究分析

    Research and Analysis of GPS Height Fitting of Taizhou City

  4. 结论江苏省泰州地区存在乙肝病毒基因型B和基因型C,其中C型占优势;

    Genotypes C is the major genotype in this area . Gene mutation exists in HBV genotypes .

  5. CAE技术在泰州长江大桥钢箱梁设计中的应用

    Application of CAE in Steel Box Girders Design of Taizhou Bridge

  6. 室内实验注入CO2对泰州组地层原油起到了明显的膨胀降粘作用,满足CO2混相驱的要求。

    Injection of CO2 in laboratory experiment obviously expands crude oil and reduces viscosity , hence is qualified for CO2 miscible flooding .

  7. 方法收集泰州市2009年度公共场所卫生监督统计上报资料,用SPSS软件进行统计分析。

    METHOD Data of Taizhou public places health inspection surveillance in the year of2009 was collected and analyzed by SPSS .

  8. 本文以需求层级理论、双因素理论、公平理论及目标设置理论为为基础,以详细而真实的数据为依据,研究提高江苏移动泰州分公司C类员工满意度的方法。

    Based on Maslow ' Hierarchy of Needs , Two-Factor Theory , Equity Theory , and Goal-setting Theory , this article , on the basis of detailed and true statistics , studies the methods of enhancing satisfaction level of group C of Taizhou Mobile .

  9. 泰州AH-90沥青氧化动力学及反应机制

    Kinetics and mechanism of Taizhou AH-90 asphalt oxidation

  10. 泰州电厂1000MW超超临界机组汽轮机安装探讨

    1000 MW USC Turbine Erection in Taizhou Power Plant

  11. 泰州DARTER大唐设计顾问是一家专注品牌形象设计,致力于品牌研究和推广的专业设计策划机构。

    Taizhou DARTER Design Consultant is an professional agency which focuses on the brand image designing , researching and promoting .

  12. 通过与监测数据的对比,证明此模拟结果可以较好地反映SO2扩散情况,可以为泰州SO2污染的综合治理和环境规划提供参考价值。

    By contrast with the monitoring data , it proved that the simulation results can better reflect the proliferation situation of sulfur dioxide , providing a reference value for the comprehensive management of sulfur dioxide pollution and environmental planning in Taizhou .

  13. 目前HM-1型超声治疗仪已经在南通市肿瘤医院、泰州市普济医院等用于临床治疗且使用情况良好。

    Currently HM-1 ultrasonic therapeutic apparatus has been used in Nantong Tumor Hospital , Taizhou Puji Hospital for clinical treatment in good condition .

  14. 根据泰州第二纺织机械厂的生产需要,为其设计的360t压头机,成功地解决了该厂纺机产品中滚筒卷圆的生产问题。

    According to the requirement of Taizhou No. 2 Textile Machine Factory , we design 360t Pressing-Head Machine used to press the head of steel plate , which successfully solves the problem of circling .

  15. 泰州学派有一个总的原则就是持良知现成说。

    Taizhou school is a general principle that a conscience ready .

  16. 泰州市东城河水环境整治的生态思考

    The Ecological Reflection on Aquatic Environment Remediation of Taizhou Dongcheng River

  17. 泰州市脱水蔬菜加工业发展的研究

    The Development of the Industry of Dehydrated Vegetables Processing in Taizhou

  18. 农村拆迁安置小区户外空间环境设计研究&以江苏省泰州市高港区庆丰村为例

    Research in Outdoor Space Environment Design of Rural Resettlement Residential Area

  19. 泰州市卫生监督人力资源现状分析

    An Analysis on Manpower Resources of Health Inspection Departments in Taizhou

  20. 泰州东门水厂自动加矾系统控制算法的改进

    Improvement of Taizhou East Waterworks Automatic Coagulation Dosing System Control Algorithm

  21. 泰州市中压燃气用聚乙烯管选型探讨

    Discussion on Lectotype of Medium-pressure Gas PE Pipe in Taizhou City

  22. 消费视角下农村居民金融需求研究&以泰州为例

    Financial Demand of Rural Residents in Consumption Perspective-Take Taizhou as Sample

  23. 泰州学派的组织特点与社会功能

    The Organic Features and the Social Functions of the Taizhou School

  24. 浅析泰州学派王艮的乐说

    On the Happiness Theory by Wang Geng of the Taizhou School

  25. 2008年泰州市学校卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Hygienic Status in Schools in Taizhou City in 2008

  26. 永嘉学派与泰州学派思想渊源的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Origin of Yongjia School and Taizhou School

  27. 泰州市水文化研究与实践设计

    Research on Taizhou City 's Water Culture and Practical Design

  28. 泰州市肺结核发病率的预测

    The Prediction for the Incidence Rate of Tuberculosis in Taizhou

  29. 泰州石化水污染治理达标整体技术设计总结

    Integrated Technical Summing-up on Wastewater Treatment of Taizhou Petrochemical Complex

  30. 泰州地区流感病毒病原学检测分析

    Virological and pathogenic detection of influenza virus in Taizhou area