
  1. 跳水女皇郭晶晶是否会在2010年嫁入豪门?

    Will Guo Jingjing , China 's diving queen , get married in2010 ?

  2. 在吴敏霞超越自己曾经的导师——郭晶晶之后,她对郭晶晶怀有的都是赞美。

    Wu had nothing but praise for Guo after surpassing her one-time mentor .

  3. 她与霍启刚的罗曼史一直使得郭晶晶的名字位于头版头条。

    Her romance with Kenneth Fok has kept Guo 's name in the headlines .

  4. 聊天的过程中感觉她也和另一个人颇有些相像,跳水皇后郭晶晶。

    During the conversation Jiwei feels like a person , diving queen Guo Jingjing .

  5. 郭晶晶较早前否认和霍启刚拍拖。

    Guo earlier denied dating Mr Fok .

  6. 著名的跳水运动员郭晶晶与社会名流霍启刚昨天在香港喜结连理。

    FAMOUS diver Guo Jingjing tied the knot with socialite Kenneth Fok yesterday in Hong Kong .

  7. 三次奥运定圆金牌梦郭晶晶:冠军是跳出来的!

    There will be three Olympic gold medal dream yuan jing : champion jumped out to be !

  8. 中国跳水队领队周继红周日确认,郭晶晶已经递交退役申请。

    National diving team leader Zhou Jihong confirmed Sunday that Guo had submitted her application for retirement .

  9. 安迪:郭晶晶和李婷获得了女子双人3米板跳水冠军。

    Andy : guo Jingjing and Li Ting won gold in the women 's synchronized3m springboard diving final .

  10. 郭晶晶说,压力非常大,但靠压力中国人在2008年赢得了那么多的金牌。

    The pressure is intense , Guo says , but it helped the Chinese win so many gold medals in 2008 .

  11. 安迪:但是跳水对郭晶晶来说就是一切,她经常说她生活中离不开跳水。

    Andy : But diving means everything to Guo , She often says she can not live a life without diving .

  12. 郭晶晶老家河北省,在赢得四枚奥运金牌和8个世界冠军头衔之后去年退役。

    Guo , a Hebei Province native , retired last year , after winning four Olympic gold medals and eight world titles .

  13. 郭晶晶的白色婚纱照在网上快速传播,这位31岁的奥运会金牌得主和她33岁的丈夫结婚了。

    Pictures of Guo in a white wedding gown spread online as the 31-year-old Olympic gold medalist and her 33-year-old husband married .

  14. 郭晶晶的伴娘是吴敏霞,伦敦奥运会跳水金牌获得者以及郭晶晶过去的跳水搭档。

    Guo 's bridesmaid is Wu Minxia , who is the London Olympics diving gold medalist and former diving partner of Guo .

  15. 郭晶晶也在国外开始英语培训项目,此举被广泛视为她准备嫁入霍家豪门。

    And Guo embarked on English-language training programs abroad , a move widely seen as preparation for her entry into the rich Fok family .

  16. 香港最富有家庭之一的继承人给了郭晶晶他祖父在北京买了房子,价值1亿元。

    The heir of one of Hong Kong 's wealthiest families gave Guo his grandfather 's home in Beijing , worth 100 million yuan .

  17. 在公开道歉之后,郭晶晶得以重返国家队,并在上周日成为奥运会历史上获得跳水奖牌最多的女选手。

    Guo was allowed to return after issuing a public apology and on Sunday became the most prolific women 's diving medallist in Olympic history .

  18. 如果这名26岁的老将赢得女子个人3米跳板的比赛,吴敏霞将和郭晶晶一样成为拥有4枚金牌的运动员。

    If the 26-year-old Wu wins the 3-meter springboard event , she will equal retired Guo Jingjing as the most successful diver with four Olympic gold .

  19. 做为队中年龄最大的队员,世锦赛与奥运会双料冠军郭晶晶在双人与单人项目上仍旧保持着压倒性的优势。

    The eldest women diver in the squad , world and Olympic champion Guo is still an overwhelming favorite on the springboard , both individual and synchronized .

  20. 例如,当跳水运动员郭晶晶在雅典奥运会之后开始自行签订广告合同时,她被国家队除名。

    When diver Guo Jingjing started sealing her own advertising deals after the Athens Games , for example , she was kicked out of the national team .

  21. 尽管郭晶晶没有宣布自己的退役时间,但在12月份的东亚运动会上,她发表的关于有可能休战一年的声明,却又向人们透露着讯息。

    Although Guo has not given any timetable for her retirement , her announcement at December 's East Asian Games about a possible one-year hiatus is a clear enough signal .

  22. 站在跳台上,兴奋过度的郭晶晶感觉好像在腾云驾雾一样,兴奋的同时是紧张,紧张得动作变形。

    Standing on the platform , and Guo Jingjing of over-excited , I feel like in the same mood-elevating , tension is excited at the same time , tensions have deformation action .

  23. (上)周日,吴敏霞“跳入”奥运记录册中,超越了美国格雷格·洛加尼斯、“大姐大”郭晶晶等跳水届传奇人物,成为奥运史上获奖最多的跳水选手。

    Wu Minxia splashed into the Olympic record books on Sunday , passing legends like American Greg Louganis and " big sister " Guo Jingjing as the most decorated diver in history .

  24. 实际上、如果没有美国股市这几天的企稳、反弹的影响,中国股市可能早已经变郭晶晶了。

    In fact , in the absence of the United States to stabilize the stock market the past few days to bounce back the impact of China 's stock market may have changed Guo Jingjing the morning .

  25. 2011年退役的郭晶晶说,作为运动员,我们全都缺乏自由,从很小就开始训练,对其它事情了解很少。

    We all lacked freedom as athletes , ' says Guo Jingjing , who retired in 2011 after winning four gold medals in diving at the Beijing Games . ' You begin so young that you know little else . '

  26. 2011年退役的郭晶晶说,作为运动员,我们全都缺乏自由,从很小就开始训练,对其它事情了解很少。郭晶晶在北京奥运会上赢得了两枚跳水金牌。

    ' We all lacked freedom as athletes , ' says Guo Jingjing , who retired in 2011 after winning four gold medals in diving at the Beijing Games . ' You begin so young that you know little else . '

  27. 郭晶晶与霍启刚(香港近代富豪霍英东的孙子)的秘密恋情,已经引起了全民的想象,人们似乎在关注运动员赛场表现之余,也愈加关心起他们的私人生活了。

    Guo Jingjing ` s alleged romance with Kenneth Fok , the grandson of late Hong Kong tycoon Henry Fok , has captured the imagination of a country that seems to have become as interested in the private lives of its athletes as in their athletic performances .

  28. 综合考虑这些因素,我们这次特别的拍摄计划就诞生了,主角是维多利亚、赵式芝,万宝宝和郭晶晶。在贝嫂眼中,这三位女性都是无可比拟的缪斯女神。

    Add multitasking , high-achieving and stylish to the mix , and you have the formula that led to this , our exclusive shoot featuring Victoria with Gigi Chao , Bao Bao Wan and Guo Jingjing , three women who could not be more apt as muses for her vision .