
  1. 关于《剩余价值学说史》的两个版本及其中译&兼评《上海社会科学志》对《剩余价值学说史》的说明

    About the Two Editions and a Chinese Translation of A Theoretical History of Surplus Value & With a Review on the Explanation to A Theoretical History of Surplus Value by Shanghai Chronicle of Social Sciences

  2. 据《上海社会科学志》记载:1949年在上海出版的《剩余价值学说史》是考茨基原著,也是《资本论》第4卷。

    According to the record in Shanghai Chronicle of Social Sciences , A Theoretical History of Surplus Value published in Shanghai in 1949 was written by Kautsky , and was the fourth volume of Das Kapital .

  3. 《资本论》第4卷的《剩余价值学说史》在1949年6月出版。至此,马克思的主要经济学著作已在建国前夕全部翻译出版,标志着马克思主义经济学在中国系统传播已基本告一段落。

    The Chinese version of History of Surplus Value Theory was published in June 1949 . Thus Marx 's main economic works had been all translated and published on the eve of the founding of new China .