
shènɡ yú quán lì
  • residual right
  1. 剩余权利分为剩余索取权和剩余控制权,公司治理的实质就是要解决剩余索取权和控制权在不同的企业参与人之间如何分配的问题。

    The residual right has two facts which are residual claim right and residual control right .

  2. 这一特定的区域是沿海国和其他国家利益分配、交叉和剩余权利的集中地区。

    This specific area is the collection of interest distribution and overlap and residual right between costal States and other States .

  3. 沿海国可以对侵犯EEZ安全利益的行为进行立法,这是沿海国在其EEZ的主权权利,同时也是国际法的发展为这类剩余权利提供的解决方向。

    The coastal State can conduct legislation upon the activities that violate the security interests of EEZ . This is the sovereignty right of the coastal State in its EEZ , and the solution direction provided by the development of the international norms for these residual rights .

  4. 论海洋法中的剩余权利

    The Residual Rights in Maritime Law

  5. 第一部分简要介绍国际海洋法中的剩余权利,明确剩余权利的内涵并提出剩余权利是法律虽未明文规定但并未禁止的权利。

    The residual rights are the right that the law has not stipulated or forbidden in writing .

  6. 人力资本拥有剩余权利,必须解决人力资本经济价值的度量问题和人力资本的抵押问题。

    Human capital has surplus right . We should solve the problems of measuring its economic value and mortgaging human capital .

  7. 它的引入使产权离散成为一种分析方法,并使完整的产权研究发展成两个层次:第一层次是一般权能分析,第二层次是剩余权利分析。

    The concept of discrete property rights in real sense , which can also be an analytical method , refers to asymmetry of residual rights .

  8. 我国农村信用社中存在着本该归社员所有的剩余权利被侵占的产权缺陷,正是这种缺陷通过组织目标及行为机制的传导,最终损害了信用社的效率。

    And the truncation of property rights just causes the inefficiency of RCCs by the conduction of the goal and the behavioral mechanism of the organization .

  9. 企业的本质是一组合约的联结,合约的不完全性要求对企业产权合约中的剩余权利做出安排。

    The nature of enterprises is a junction of a series of contracts , incompleteness of which means that residual rights should be arranged as incentives .

  10. 我国国有企业改革,在产权明晰的条件下,将剩余权利配置给重要的要素所有者,应该是有效率的。

    On the condition of property right clarification , the reform of China state-owned enterprise gives residual right to owners of important ingredients , which should be efficient .

  11. 根据新制度经济学的现有观点,理性的市场主体致力于维持现有产权并追求剩余权利,而好的制度应保护其对剩余权利的合理追求,规制不合理追求。

    According to new institutional economics , rational market participants focus on maintaining existing ownership and pursuing residual equity , and good institution should protect their reasonable pursuit while regulate unreasonable pursuit .

  12. 剩余权利的配置对企业效率的影响至关重要,因而通过界定和安排合理的产权结构可以增进企业的制度效率。

    The allocation of the residual right affects enterprise efficiency greatly . So , making a fit allocation to the structure of property rights for an enterprise will directly increase its system efficiency .

  13. 在给出定义之后,从现代企业理论出发指出公司治理结构的实质。现代企业理论认为企业是一系列合约的联结,而合约是不完全的,由此导致企业剩余权利安排的重要性。

    And the nature of the corporation governance structure , which contains a series of incomplete agreements that leads to the magnitude of residual rights arrangement , is pointed out according to the definition .

  14. 但是,该公约在扩大沿海国的管辖权和缩小公海自由的调整过程中留下了余地和空间,也就是海洋法中的剩余权利问题。

    However , the convention has left room and spaces in the adjusting process of enlarging jurisdiction of the coastal countries and reducing the freedom of high sea , as is the issue of residual rights in maritime law .

  15. 应该指出,海洋法中的剩余权利属于全人类,属于世界各主权国家和人民,而决不属于某个超级大国或海洋大国。

    It should be pointed out that the residual rights in the law of the sea shall belong to all mankind , and every sovereign State and its people of the world , instead of being attributed to certain super power or large marine State .

  16. 甚至这些剩余的权利也往往受到不必要的侵犯。

    Even these remaining rights are often needlessly violated .

  17. 通过以上的分析,本文的基本结论如下:第一,经济领域中的分配的对象包括机会,合作剩余,经济权利和义务。

    First , the objects of economic distribution include economic opportunity , duty and right as well ass cooperation surplus .

  18. 不管怎样,他决定拿走10%奖金,也就丧失了采取法律手段索要剩余奖金的权利。

    In any case , his decision to take the 10 per cent lost him the right to take action to try to claim the rest of the bonus .

  19. 虽然死刑犯被依法剥夺了部分实体权利,但是其剩余的实体权利仍然为数不少,选取其中部分实体权利进行概括并举例研究具有重要的意义。

    Although part of entity rights of prisoners sentenced to death is deprived , the rest are still quite a few . It has great importance to selectively summarize and study those rights .

  20. 4从其本质上说,虚拟资本是一种凭借资本所有权在分配领域获取一部分剩余价值的权利证书,体现的是一种债权债务关系,是一种资本化的信用形式。

    From its essence the fictitious capital , is a kind of right certificate which can acquire a part of the surplus value with capital ownership in the distribution field , is embodied in a debtor-creditor relationship , is a kind of capitalization credit form .

  21. 从土地承包经营权入股的概念出发,进而讨论土地承包经营权入股的本质是权利的让渡,是为了获得流转产生的剩余而进行的权利让渡。

    It starts from the concept of becoming a shareholder , then discusses its nature is to transfer the rights , which is for the purpose of achieving the remainder in the circulation of land .

  22. 在实际的分配过程中,市场负责部分合作剩余的分配。剩下的合作剩余,经济权利和义务,以及机会都需要组织按照计划来分配。

    In the actual distribution process , market mechanism deals with the distribution of a part of cooperation surplus and planning mechanism deals with the rest of objects of economic distribution .

  23. 作为企业所有权组成部分的经营者剩余控制权和生产者剩余控制权依据边际收益等于边际成本的原则进行博弈,其结果必然使一部分权利落入公共领域,形成公共剩余权利。

    According to marginal revenue equalizing marginal cost , there is a competition between manager remaining control rights and producer remaining control rights . As a result there must be a part of rights is belonging to the public field which is become public remaining control rights .