
  • 网络Saturnian system
  1. 这两颗卫星有许多相同之处,也是它们的母体——土星系统里相距最近的两颗卫星。

    These two moons of Saturn have a lot in common and are the two closest moons to their parent body .

  2. 自从“卡西尼”号抵达土星系统后,取得了许多突破性的发现,改革了人们对土星及其行星的认知。

    The spacecraft has already revolutionized our knowledge of the ringed planet and its moons . Cassini discovered spewing water-ice geysers on the moon Enceladus .

  3. 一项针对土星系统的新研究显示行星光环和卫星至少有一处相同的成分特征,即它们的表面均覆满了一层水冰,且它们的形成要追溯到太阳系早期。

    A new analysis of the Saturnian system shows that the planet 's rings and satellites have at least one compositional characteristic in common . They appear uniformly stocked with water ice , dating from their formation in the early solar system .

  4. 先驱者从一个得天独厚的位置上拍摄了土星的光环系统。其时,太阳正处于该行星的背后。

    Pioneer photographed Saturn 's ring system from a unique position with the Sun behind the planet .

  5. 或者,该行星也可能会被撕碎,形成象土星那样的光环系统。

    Or perhaps it will be shredded to form a Saturn-like ring system .