
  • 网络Ratatouille;Rat King;King Rat
  1. 在上海的街角,人们花上1美元就能买到迪士尼2007年影片《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille)的盗版光碟(迪士尼从中一份钱都得不到)。

    A pirate copy of Ratatouille , the 2007 Disney film , can be bought on a Shanghai street corner for $ 1 ( and none of that goes to Disney ) .

  2. 在动画界,我只知道一部创意很差,但由于完美的制作而大获成功的影片&《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille)。

    I only know of one time that I can think of in the field of animation where somebody had a bad idea and had perfect execution and the movie was breathtaking : Ratatouille .

  3. 《料理鼠王》是皮克斯创作的关于一个鼠类厨师的故事。

    Ratatouille is Pixar 's tale of a rodent chef .