
  1. 目的:利用化疗性大鼠异食癖模型,初步探讨连翘防治化疗性恶心呕吐的5-HT作用机制。

    Objective : To study the role of 5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) involved in the mechanism of preventing Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting of Forsythia suspensa in rat pica model .

  2. 这与文献中报道的迷路切除也能废除大鼠异食癖行为相一致。

    It is consistent with labyrinthectomy abolished pica behavior in rats .

  3. 鸡异食癖流行病学调查及其病因分析

    Survey of epidemiology and its etiology in the Cannibalism

  4. 进食大量泥土的现象称为土壤异食癖,或食土癖。

    Eating large amounts of dirt is called soil pica , or geophagy .

  5. 结论:1.在行为学实验中,腹腔注射顺铂后的小鼠出现明显的异食癖现象。

    In ethological experiment , mice were found obvious pica after injected intraperitoneally cisplatin .

  6. 据英国《太阳报》报道,21岁的凯里特里比尔科克是一名异食癖患者。

    Kerry Trebilcock , 21 , suffers from a condition called pica , The Sun reported .

  7. 结果:我们成功地复制了三种不同作用机制的经典催吐剂及运动病所致大鼠异食癖模型。

    Results : Rat pica models induced by different antiemetics and motion stimulis were successfully established .

  8. 建立起呕吐模型后,注射灵芝多糖和格拉司琼的小鼠异食癖现象减弱。

    After vomiting model was based , the pica was decreased which were injected intraperitoneally ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides and granisetron .

  9. 异食癖这个单词来源于中世纪的拉丁语,意思是喜鹊,因为喜鹊普遍被认为是吃任何东西的鸟类。

    The word pica derives from the medieval Latin name for magpie , a bird reputed to eat just about anything

  10. 借助拉丁语和希腊语,使得每一种神经病症都有学名,不过异食癖也有许多不同的类型。

    Thanks to Greek and Latin , there 's a name for every neurosis , and the many flavors of pica are no different .

  11. 并报告了异食头发形成胃内毛发结石、幼儿强迫症、恋物癖等典型病例。

    It also reports the typical cases of hair pica resulting in hair stone in stomach , besides the cases of obsessive compulsive necrosis and fetishism .

  12. 这种特异的饮食习惯属于一种异食癖,患病者喜食无营养价值的东西。

    The bizarre eating disorder is thought to be a form of Pica , an illness which gives sufferers an appetite for substances without any nutritional value .

  13. 在那些缺乏自理能力的人身上,这种异食癖的发病率大约在4%到26%之间,这种病症还可能引起克莱恩莱文综合征、智力缺陷以及精神分裂症等并发症。

    The prevalence of pica varies from 4 to 26 percent among the institutionalized , and the condition can co-occur with Kleine-Levin syndrome , mental retardation and schizophrenia .

  14. 生产实际中可通过以上指标的测定分析和比较,对舍饲滩羊异食癖发生原因做出快速诊断。

    In the actual production , the above indicators can be measured to find out real reasons that caused pica inTan sheep , then to make a quick diagnosis .

  15. 异食癖好有时可能是免疫介导的溶血性贫血的临床表现,尤其是摄食瓷砖、混凝土灰尘和沙子。

    Pica in dogs may be a sign of Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia , especially when it involves eating substances such as tile grout , concrete dust , and sand .

  16. 但是健康的孩子,不同文化背景不同年龄层次的成人也会突发异食癖,有时只是因为他们的饮食不均衡导致缺乏营养物质。

    But it also can crop up among otherwise healthy children and in men and women of all ages and cultures , sometimes in response to a dietary deficiency .

  17. 然而一些人过了幼儿期还会吃土,这种情况被称为食土癖或土壤异食癖(异食癖就是吃非食物东西的习惯)。

    However , some people keep eating dirt after early childhood , a condition called geophagy , or soil pica ( pica is the habit of eating nonfood items ) .

  18. 实际上,有一种叫做“异食癖”的病,曾被美国医学协会成为“一种普遍,但是又一般被忽略的疾病。”

    In fact , there is a condition called Pica , once described in the Journal of the American Board of Medicine , as " common , but commonly missed . "

  19. 其实异食癖是被美国有毒物质和疾病登记处认定的一种疾病,每天有意识地吃掉500毫克土就被认定为“病态”。

    Pica , in fact , is a recognized disease by the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry , with intentional dirt consumption of 500 milligrams a day qualifying as " pathological . "

  20. 的确,西医一向认为,食土癖是病态的,属于异食癖的一种症状。除此之外,有意识地往体内摄入诸如玻璃、漂白剂等有毒有害物质的行为,也属于异食癖的症状。

    Indeed , Western medicine has traditionally regarded geophagy as pathological , classing it as a form of pica , the condition also attributed to those who intentionally ingest such harmful substances as glass or bleach .

  21. 论文中称,“异食癖”一般表现为“对于某些无营养物质的高度痴狂,虽然从很久之前就对这种疾病有过记载,但至今为止医学界对引起此种病症的原因仍没有一个统一的解释。”

    Pica , said the article . " is the compulsive eating of nonnutritive substances . Although it has been described since antiquity , there has been no single agreed-upon explanation of the cause of such behavior . "

  22. 任何人都可能有一些奇特的欲望,但是却很少有像那些异食癖患者一样有着令人咋舌的欲望,他们吃各种东西,比如木头、泥土或者油漆木片这种没有营养的物质。

    We all have our share of unusual cravings , but few are as startling as the wide range of materials consumed by people with the disorder pica , the repeated eating of largely non-nutritive substances like wood , soil or paint chips .