
  • 网络foreign body aspiration;aspiration of foreign bodies;inhaled foreign body
  1. 有异物吸入史,但X线检查报告正常;

    The history of foreign body aspiration was definite , but the X-ray reports were ne - gative ;

  2. 术前怀疑异物吸入44例中,经硬质支气管镜检查,发现异物32例,分泌物阻塞(痰栓)10例,肉芽肿2例。

    Among 44 patients suspected foreign body aspiration , 32 had foreign body , 10 had secretion obstruction and 2 had granuloma .

  3. 支气管肺泡灌洗治疗小儿非固体类异物吸入的护理

    Nursing care of children with non-solid foreign body aspiration receiving bronchoalveolar lavage

  4. 目的:探讨造成小儿支气管异物吸入的相关因素。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the cause of bronchial foreign bodies in children inhaled relevant factors .

  5. 我们报告一个中年男性在异物吸入一年后呈现右下肺实质化。

    We report a48-year-old man who suffered from a consolidated lesion in the right lower lobe one year after aspiration of a foreign body .

  6. 报告详细列举了肌无力、吞咽困难、异物吸入性性肺炎等病例。

    The reports detailed cases of muscle weakness , difficulty swallowing or aspiration pneumonia , a serious condition caused by breathing a foreign material into the lungs .