
  • 网络Heteromorphic cell;heterocysts;heterocyst;idioblast;heterocyte
  1. CD44棕黄色免疫阳性反应物见于提示可能性诊断为恶性病变中92%的异形细胞胞膜,未见于其他细胞中。

    CD44 was positive in 92 % of malignant cells , but not in other cells .

  2. 部分纵裂部位有裂口异形细胞。

    The broken heteromorphic cells were found in the part of longitudinal split .

  3. 发热病人外周血及骨髓异形细胞的识别

    Identification of Heteromorphous Cells in Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow in Patients with Fever

  4. 结果表明:垃圾渗滤液能诱导泥鳅红细胞产生微核,异常核和异形细胞。

    The results indicated that micronucleus , abnormal nuclear and anomalous cell in erythrocytes of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus can be induced generated by refuse leachate .

  5. 通过不同浓度垃圾渗滤液对泥鳅红细胞微核、核异常及异形细胞影响的研究,以监测垃圾渗滤液中有害物质的诱变性。

    In order to monitor the induced mutation of harmful pollutions in refuse leachate , the effects of micronucleus , nuclear anomalies and anomalous cell in erythrocytes of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus caused by different concentration of refuse leachate were studied .

  6. 乌梢蛇生长卵泡的滤泡细胞是由小细胞、中间细胞和梨形细胞组成的异形滤泡细胞。

    The follicle cells of growing follicle were composed of small cells , intermediate cells and pyriform cells .

  7. 异形红细胞增多、红细胞大小不等以及红细胞内容物的出现均提示脾已不存在。

    The appearance of increased poikilocytosis , anisocytosis , and RBC inclusions suggests that a spleen is not present .

  8. 血象应注意在尾部寻找或用离心浓缩白细胞层涂片检查以便发现异形组织细胞。

    The tail of blood smear be carefully examined or the leukocytes smear of centrifugation and concentration were examined , which would help to find the heteromorphic histiocytes .

  9. 作者认为异形红细胞的增多反映了脾脏过滤作用的损害,但并不预示着血流质量的显著下降。

    It is believed that the increase of deformed red blood cells results from absence of the filtration function of the spleen but does not infer a deterioration of the blood quality .

  10. 以溶血性贫血、红细胞压积降低、外周血涂片见到异形红细胞、肝酶及胆红素升高、血小板减少等为主要诊断依据。

    Hemolytic anemia , low hematocrit , appearance on peripheral smear of unusual red cells , elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin , and low platelet count were the main bases of diagnosis .

  11. 各组肿瘤标本HE染色结果显示,肿瘤细胞异形性明显,细胞大小不一,形状各异,瘤细胞生长致密。

    The HE staining of the tumor specimens of each group indicated that the heteromorphism of the cancer cells were obvious , the sizes and shapes of cells are different and the cancer cells grow densely .