
  • 网络Allosaurus;Allosauru;allosaurus fragilis
  1. 科摩多龙和异特龙

    Komodo Dragons And Allosaurus

  2. 异特龙是肉食动物。它捕食剑龙,迷惑龙和禽龙,有时候也吃其它动物杀死的恐龙。

    The Allosaurus was a meat eater . They would kill and ate Stegosaurus , Apatosaurus and Iguanodon . It would also eat dead dinosaurs killed by others .

  3. 现在,让这个3米高(10英寸)的爬行动物站起来,给它两个角,再放大到恐龙的大小,然后给科摩多龙的近亲&异特龙打声招呼吧。

    Now , raise this 3-meter ( 10 ft ) reptile on its hind legs , give it horns , make it dinosaur-sized , and say hello to its cousin , the allosaurus .

  4. 科摩多龙的咀嚼力几乎和家猫一样,而凶猛的异特龙不得不把肉从活着的猎物身上撕扯下来,而不是直接一口咬碎猎物。

    The Komodo 's chomping power falls in the range of the domestic house cat , and the ferocious allosaurus most likely had to hack and strip meat out of its living victims , rather than deliver crushing bites .