
  • 网络Theropoda;theropod
  1. 但这并不能完全解释兽脚亚目食肉恐龙的缺位。

    But that does not completely explain the absence of theropod tracks .

  2. 这项惊人的发现展示了一只非鸟类的兽脚亚目恐龙覆着羽毛的尾巴,而这只恐龙在9900万年前就灭亡了。

    The incredible discovery reveals the feathered tail of a non-avian theropod that perished approximately 99 million years ago .

  3. 这是一种兽脚亚目肉食恐龙。

    The type of dinosaur that was found is known as a theropod .

  4. 已灭绝的陆地爬虫动物;兽脚亚目恐龙(食肉);蜥脚类动物(食草)。

    Extinct terrestrial reptiles : theropods ( carnivorous ); sauropods ( herbivorous ) .

  5. 这些恐龙经常被兽脚亚目食肉恐龙捕食。

    Frequently , these were taken by theropods .

  6. 在那样一种环境下,即便是一头巨大的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙也会不时回头张望。

    In that sort of environment even a big theropod would constantly have been looking over its shoulder .

  7. 体形较小的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙。两栖类四足食草恐龙,颈长而细,鞭形尾;白垩纪主要生活在南半球。

    Amphibious quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long thin neck and whiplike tail ; of the Cretaceous mostly in the southern hemisphere .

  8. 兽脚亚目恐龙在逃跑时会特别困难,因为这种恐龙只使用后腿运动,艾伯斯说。

    Theropods in particular would have had a tough time escaping , since the dinosaurs used only their hind legs for locomotion , Eberth said .