
  • 网络Kiangchow
  1. 包括绛州鼓乐在内的山西晋鼓,早在新石器时代就已有之。

    Including Jiangzhou drum music , the Jin drum in Shanxi existed as early as the Neolithic .

  2. 绛州鼓乐演奏技术丰富,风格独特,是山西鼓乐演奏的代表鼓种;

    With the various playing skill and the individual style , the Jiangzhou drum music was a representative one in Shanxi drum performance .

  3. 隋唐所设置的河东郡、河东道范围涵盖较广,包括了汾水流域乃至更北部的云代地区,而隋以前的河东郡以蒲州、绛州为核心,也是本文所研究的河东地域范围。

    The Hedong County and Hedong Road covered a wide area , including the Fen River and even more northern part of Yun-Dai region , whereas Hedong County mainly covered Pu County and Jiang County , which is included in this paper .