
jiànɡ sè
  • see also 绛
  1. 一种是从萨莫雷斯岛买来的,如同凯撒那绛色的长袍。

    One which is brought from the island of Samothrace and is purple like the cloak of caesar .

  2. 绛色细胞由胚体1~8腹节的外胚层部分细胞发育而成。

    Oenocytes derived from ectodermal cells of 1 to 8 abdomen .

  3. 纤细的云朵畅游在绛色霞光里,就像鱼儿遨游在深海中。

    The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light .

  4. 在拟绛色细胞里还发现许多和颗粒细胞一样的能被丫啶橙染色的颗粒。

    Furthermore , inside some oenocytoids there were lots of acridine orange green granules that were similar to granules in granulocytes .

  5. 王妈带了几个粗做女仆进客厅来,动手就换窗上的绛色窗纱。

    Wang Mah led several stout women servants into the large drawing-room , where they began changing the crimson net curtains for white ones .

  6. 绛色的沉哀&戴望舒前期诗歌的情思特质别走入名牌的迷思,穿你觉得舒服的服饰即可。

    The Crimson Sorrow & On the Affectional Features of Dai Wangshu ′ s Early Poems C. Don ` t go on brand name ; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable .