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  1. SSK对科学人文主义的叛逆&SSK对科学知识的解蔽及其后果

    SSK 's Treachery Against Scientific Humanism

  2. 本文提出的简易、快速测定方法是用EDTA螯合锡(Ⅳ)、铜(Ⅱ)、铅(Ⅱ)和其它金属离子,然后分别用三羟基甲酸、巯基丁二酸和氨荒丙酸解蔽。

    The simple and fast determination method presented is based on initial chelation of Sn4 + , Cu2 + , Pb2 + and other metal ions with EDTA and its subsequent decomposition with trihydroxybenzoic acid , mercaptosuccinic acid and dithiocarbamic propanoic acid .

  3. 在pH值为5.5的醋酸吡啶缓冲溶液中,用2.5gNH4F解蔽,4滴XO、1mLCPB指示终点,锌盐返滴定镀液中的锡。

    Thus the tin was released from the plating bath using 2.5 g ammonium fluoride as the releasing agent in a acetic-pyridine buffer solution of a pH value 5.5 , and then inversely titrated using zinc nitrate standard solution in the presence of xylenol orange as an indicator .

  4. 掩蔽和解蔽在配位滴定中的作用及其应用

    The function and application of covering and relieving in coordination titration

  5. 苏打渣中铜量的测定&EDTA解蔽法

    The Determination of Copper in the Soda Slag EDTA Unscreen Method

  6. 遮蔽与解蔽是科学发展观的科技动力支持;

    Covering and uncovering are its scientific and technological support ;

  7. “解蔽”或“促逼”是人类凭借技术所达成的。

    Disclosure and herausfordern is accomplished depending on technology .

  8. 分析化学中掩蔽剂及解蔽剂的定性选择和掩蔽效应的定量讨论

    Qualitative selectivity of masking agent and quantitative discussion of masking effect in Analytical Chemistry

  9. 解蔽被遮蔽了的主体&兼论认识论层面的本体论批判

    Solve and cover the subject covered & Ontology of the aspect of epistemology is criticized

  10. 科技与人性的对立&法兰克福学派生态理论的实质技术的简单化复归及其对人性的解蔽

    The contrast between science technology and human nature The essence of Frankford School on ecological theory

  11. 本文描述了一种用巯基乙酸作解蔽剂选择性络合测定铜的方法。

    A method is described for selective complexometric determination of copper ( ⅱ ), thioglycollic acid being used as demasking agent .

  12. 海德格尔突破流行观念揭示出技术的本质,技术是一种解蔽,现代技术也是某种解蔽方式。

    Other than the popular notion , Heidegger proclaims the essence of technology that both ancient technology and modern technology are disclosing .

  13. 本文主要探讨了掩蔽和解蔽方法在配位滴定分析中的可行性和实用性。

    This paper explored primarily the possibility and practically about the method of covering and relieving in the analysis of coordination titration .

  14. 从理论上对配位滴定时解蔽反应的酸度问题进行了探讨,并提出了简便的计算方法。

    The acidity control problem of de-masking reaction in complexometric titration was presented theoretically in the paper , and simple calculation method was also provided .

  15. 它不但意味着对事物及言说者的内心经验的解蔽,而且也在一定程度上不可避免地带有遮蔽性;

    Secondly , language not only accounts for the speaker 's inner world and outer objects , but also shelters them to some extend inevitably .

  16. 海德格尔是从事情本真上去考量人存在的意义,通过存在者的解蔽去发现真理。

    What is the soul Heidegger from this shameful weakness to consider the meaning , by the existence of the shade to find the truth .

  17. 唯物主义+辩证法和实践唯物主义两种阐释模式,对于解蔽马克思哲学及其革命性的贡献不容否认。

    Two classical interpretations of Marxist philosophy & " Materialism + Dialectic " and " practical materialism " undeniably contributed greatly to uncovering Marxist revolutionary philosophy .

  18. 启蒙作为教育永恒的使命,其责任就是向愚昧挑战、为心智解蔽,既关乎体制,又针对人。

    Being the permanent mission of education , enlightenment undertakes the responsibility of challenging the ignorant and illuminating the mentality of either a system or the Man .

  19. 在勾勒出发起国家干预的价值判断主体的轮廓后,我们进一步解蔽该价值判断主体的内涵填充。

    State intervention was launched in outline the main contours of value judgments , we further uncovering the meaning of the value judgments of the main fill .

  20. 对马克思伦理精神的解蔽将为当代科学社会主义的理论和实践的发展奠定更为明确、清晰的伦理学基础。

    It will establish a very clear ethical foundation for the theory and practice of the present scientific socialism when people discover the original spirit of Marxist ethics .

  21. 从“存在”与“存在者”的关系出发去探寻人类视角中的存在物,它们实际上是人类对于自在自然或存在的一种“解蔽②”甚至“促逼”。

    Dasein is a kind of disclosure or herausfordern which is from essence or Sein if we think the relationship between the human nature and essence is existent .

  22. 所谓“回归希腊”,实质上是解蔽被传统遮盖的原创性智慧,以弥补现代文化之不足。

    " Going back to Hellenism " is essentially a way of compensating the inadequacy of modern cultures by a rediscovery of original Greek wisdoms that have been concealed by traditions .

  23. 以艺术、物、思三个方面描述了存在本身如何作为幽深而解蔽着显现出来。

    Chapter Three clears the meaning of Being by the beings pertaining to Being and from three aspects of art , thing and thought , talks about the movement that Being shows itself as deep and serene .

  24. 她沉于男性父语霸权之中,只能以死亡来唤醒女性意识,体现女性主义意识解蔽与塑造的艰难。

    As she was deeply trapped in a world of male supremacy , she could only arouse feminist awareness through her death , which is indicative of the difficulties and hardships in the awakening and development of female consciousness .

  25. 他从词源学上考察了技术在古希腊所具有的源初含义,把解蔽看成技术的本质,并且把现代技术与从前的技术区分开来,指明了现代技术解蔽的特殊之处。

    He analyzed the original meaning of technology in ancient Greece in etymology , and looked upon the essence of technology as revealing . He differentiated modern technology from previous technology and pointed out its peculiar aspect of revealing .

  26. 然而在这些学者的解读中却发现一个共同的偏颇,即是都只偏重于解蔽来解读现代技术,却忽略了现代技术在解蔽时同时遮蔽的本质。

    However , in the interpretation of above views scholars have found a common bias , which is only focused on revelation in modern technology , while ignoring the modern technology in the revelation at the same time essence of concealment .