
lǎo nián xué
  • gerontology
  1. 将于2014年2月发表在《实验老年学》(ExperimentalGerontology)上的一篇文章指出,蔓越莓由于具有抗氧化性,无论在人生的哪个阶段食用,都有助于延年益寿。

    Cranberries have antioxidant properties that can prolong life when taken at any stage of life , suggests a study to be published in the February 2014 issue of Experimental Gerontology .

  2. 根据研究老龄化问题的老年学研究组织(GerontologyResearchGroup)的数据,世界最长寿的女性、来自佐治亚州的退休教师贝斯•库珀(BesseCooper)将在8月26日年满116岁。

    The oldest woman in the world , Besse Cooper , a retired schoolteacher in Georgia , will be 116 on Aug. 26 , according to the Gerontology Research Group , an organization that studies aging issues .

  3. 重视老年学的教育与科学研究;

    To attach importance to the education and research of gerontology ;

  4. 中国老年学教育体系的现状与思考

    Conditions of and Thoughts on Educational System of Gerontology in China

  5. 老年学的方法在表面上看起来更充满希望具发展前景,

    The gerontology approach looks much more promising on the surface ,

  6. 中国孝道文化的时代演进及其老年学意义

    Evolution of Chinese Filial Piety 's Culture and Its Meaning in Gerontology

  7. 我们可以说,老年学和老年病学之间根本区别就是,

    We can say that , fundamentally , the difference between gerontology and geriatrics

  8. 老年学实验用果蝇饲养新方法的研究

    New Rearing Method of Drosophila Melanogaster for Gerontological Experiments

  9. 老年学试图抑制新陈代谢,

    is that gerontology tries to inhibit the rate

  10. 跨学科交叉研究与21世纪老年学的发展

    Inter-Disciplinary Research and the Development of Gerontics in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  11. 老龄化在传统的老年学研究中被描述为生物学的控制、衰退和降级。

    " Aging " has been described as a biological control , recession and downgrading .

  12. 随着社会的老龄化,老年工作和老年学研究的重要性越来越突出。

    As the aging society approaches , researches on the elderly have been attached much importance .

  13. 老年学突然变得受欢迎了。

    Gerontology has suddenly become popular .

  14. 然而,在老年学仍严重缺乏有专业训练需求的工人。

    However , there is a serious shortage of workers with specialized training needed in gerontology .

  15. 欧洲老年学交流中心

    European Exchange Centre on Gerontology

  16. 这两种方法就是老年学和老年医学。

    They 're what I 'm calling here the " gerontology approach " and the " geriatrics approach . "

  17. 文章就当前国际老年学界对老年人健康特别是失能状况变动趋势的研究动态进行了回顾。

    This paper reviews the latest international studies on the trend of health , especially disability , of the elderly .

  18. 第三,重视老年学的教育和研究,使老龄社会健康化。

    Thirdly , one should pay attach importance to the education and research of aged people and make aged society health .

  19. 社会工作者可能专门研究某个领域,如儿童福利,家庭服务,矫正,老年学或成瘾。

    Social workers may specialize in fields of practice such as child welfare , family services , corrections , gerontology or addictions .

  20. 中国老年学研究应结合中国的实际国情,实现本土化发展,更好地为社会的文明进步服务。

    Chinese gerontology study should concern the national situation and encourage the development of its localization , which accelerates the civilization of the whole society .

  21. 最古老的活女子冠军现在去到114岁的贝瑟库珀的美国乔治亚州,根据老年学研究小组。

    The title of the oldest living woman now goes to114-year-old Besse Cooper of the US state of Georgia , according to the Gerontology Research Group .

  22. 跨学科交叉研究是老年学发展的必然方向,也是老年学的研究对象和特点所规定的。

    Inter disciplinary research is a definite orientation for the development of gerontics , as is also determined by the object of study and characteristics of gerontics .

  23. 生物年龄的参数的评估是在«老化诊断:生物年龄»计划帮助之下,是由全国老年学中心所开发的,莫斯科。

    The parameters of the biological age were assessed with the help of the program « Diagnostics of aging : biological age » developed by the National gerontology center , Moscow .

  24. 基于这一理念,我们力求将老年学研究中心建造成一座安全、健康、舒适、温馨的老年之家。

    Based on this principle , the designers have a try to build a gerontology research center as a home of the aged with safety , health , comfort and warmth .

  25. 老年学的产生和发展过程以及老年学要认识人类个体和群体老龄化规律的目的,决定了老年学是一门包括自然科学、社会科学、哲学和人文科学在内的交叉学科。

    The origin and development of gerontics together with its aim to understand the patterns for aging determine that gerontics is a cross disciplinary subject which embraces natural sciences , social sciences , philosophy and the humanities .

  26. 这项研究是在卡洛林司卡机构里进行的。这个机构亦是每年颁赠诺贝尔医学奖的团体。该研究是由此机构的南西·皮德森与洛杉矶南加大的心理学教授玛格丽特·贾兹所主持,他们这项研究结果最近在美国老年学的期刊上登出。

    The research was conducted at the Karolinska Institute-better known as the body that annually awards the Nobel Prize for medicine by Nancy Pedersen of the Institute and Margaret Gatz , a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles . Their results were recently published in the United States in the Journal of Gerontology .