
  • 【体】embrace
  1. 波浪和婆浪相抱相拥。

    And the waves clasp one another .

  2. 有的阔展双翅直插云宵,有的呵护着相拥相抱。所有的雕塑都像征着澳大利亚土著与大自然的关系。

    Some reach heavenward with widespread wings , others envelop each other protectively – all are symbols of the relationship the indigenous Australian Aborigines have with nature .

  3. 在这段演示为婴儿洗澡技巧的视频里,这对双胞胎相拥相抱,仿佛他们还在妈妈肚子里一样。从这段视频我们可以推测到双胞胎在母亲子宫里孕育时期的奇妙模样。

    This video of a unique bath is offering an amazing look at what life must like for twins in the womb , with the babies cuddling and embracing as if they were still in their moms belly .