
bái sān xī
  • leukotriene;lts
  1. 肝肾综合征患者血浆白三烯C4检测及其作用

    Measurement and Action of Plasma Leukotriene C_4 in Patients with Hepatorenal syndrome

  2. 白三烯B4及其受体与肿瘤的关系

    The roles of leukotriene B_4 and its receptors in tumors

  3. 损伤皮肤中白三烯B4含量测定与损伤时间推断

    The determination of the content of ltb_4 in skin incisions

  4. 雷公藤甲素对哮喘小鼠白三烯B4、C4表达的影响

    Effects of triptolide on the expression of TLB_4 and TLC_4 in asthmatic mice

  5. 大黄素对大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞生物合成白三烯B4的影响

    Effect of emodin on the synthesis of ltb_4 by peritoneal macrophages in rats

  6. 大黄素对白三烯B4和前列腺素E2生物合成的影响

    The Effects of Emodin on Biosynthesis of Leukotriene B_4 and ProstaglandinE_2

  7. 砒石对哮喘小鼠白三烯B4及5-脂氧合酶基因表达的影响

    Effects of arsenolite on leukotriene B_4 and genic expression of 5-lipoxygenase in asthmatic mice

  8. 有机硒化合物对白三烯B4生物合成的影响

    Effect of seleno-organic compounds on leukotriene B4 biosynthesis

  9. 活血化瘀药对腹膜炎大鼠生成白三烯B4的影响

    Influence of Blood-activating and Stasis-eliminating Drugs on Leukotriene B_4 Production of Rats with Peritonitis

  10. ~(125)I-白三烯B4放射免疫分析药盒的研制及临床应用

    The development of ~ ( 125 ) 1-leukotriene b_4 radioimmunoassay and its clinical applications

  11. 实验性大鼠脑出血后基底节区白三烯C4的变化及意义

    Change in leukotriene C_4 level in the basal tissue after experimental brain hemorrhage in rat

  12. 10种中草药抗炎有效成分对白三烯B4生物合成的影响

    The Effect of Ten Antiinflammatory Components of Chinese Materia Medica on Biosynthesis of Leukotriene B4

  13. 白三烯C4对人气道结构细胞内皮素1基因表达及分泌水平的影响

    Influence of Leukotriene C_4 on Secretion and Expression of Endothelin-1 Gene in Human Airway Structural Cells

  14. 柯萨奇B组病毒上呼吸道感染患儿尿白三烯的检测及意义

    The Clinical Research of Urinary Leukotrienes Concentration in Children During Upper Respiratory Infection with Coxsackievirus B

  15. 咳嗽变异性哮喘患儿尿白三烯E4测定的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Urine Leukotriene E_4 in Cough Variant Asthma

  16. 支气管哮喘患儿尿白三烯E4的测定及其临床意义

    Measurement of urinary leukotriene E_4 in asthmatic children and its clinical significance

  17. 慢性阻塞性肺病患者血浆白三烯C4水平与肺血流动力学的关系

    The relationship between plasma leukotriene C_4 levels and pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  18. 白三烯B4研究进展

    Development of leukotriene B_4 research

  19. 茄根酸性组分对胸膜炎大鼠血清中白三烯B4含量的影响

    The influence of the acidic components of aubergine root to Leukotriene-B_4 in blood serum of pleurisy rats

  20. 白三烯C4放射免疫测定

    Radioimmunoassay for Leukotriene C_4

  21. 白三烯C4对大鼠胃粘膜微循环的影响及其在急性胃粘膜损伤中的作用

    Influence of LTC_4 on the microcirculation of the gastric mucosa and its effect on acute gastric mucosal injury

  22. 速激肽受体拮抗剂对白三烯C4诱导豚鼠气道收缩和微血管渗漏的作用

    Effects of tachykinin receptor antagonists on leukotriene C 4 induced bronchoconstriction and airway microvascular leakage in guinea pigs 1

  23. 中药抗炎作用与对大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞产生白三烯B4及5-HETE的影响

    Effect of anti-inflammatory action of Chinese herbs on the synthesis of LTB4 and 5-HETE of peritoneal macrophages in rats

  24. 粉防己碱对烟雾吸入伤家兔炎症细胞合成释放白三烯B4的影响

    The effect of tetrandrine on the release of leukotriene b_4 by inflammatory cells of rabbits with smoke inhalation injury

  25. 地氯雷他定对变应性鼻炎动物模型鼻腔灌洗液中血栓素B2和白三烯的影响

    The effect of desloratadine on the TXB_2 and leukotrienes levels in the nasal lavage fluid of allergic rhinitis animal model

  26. 白三烯拮抗剂ONO-1078对辣椒素和P物质诱导豚鼠支气管收缩和微血管渗漏的作用

    Effect of ONO 1078 , a leukotriene antagonist , on capsaicin

  27. 脂多糖&烟雾诱导慢性支气管炎大鼠模型水通道蛋白5表达与肿瘤坏死因子α、白介素13、白三烯B4的变化

    Expression of Aquaporin 5 and Changes of Tumor Necrosis Factor α, Interleukin 13 , Leukotriene B_4 in Lipopolysaccharide-Cigarette Smoking Inducible Chronic Bronchitis Rat Model

  28. 单方绿豆粉干预哮喘小鼠肺组织中白三烯C4和5-脂氧合酶及其激活蛋白的变化效应

    Effects of mung bean powder intervention on the changes of leukotriene C_4 , 5-lipoxygenase and its activating protein in the lung tissue of asthmatic mice

  29. 本文报告在兔大脑中动脉阻断局灶脑缺血模型上,测定脑组织花生四烯酸脂氧化酶代谢产物白三烯B4和水含量变化,观察都可喜对白三烯B4和脑水肿的影响。

    Cerebral arachidonic acid lipoxygenase metabolite leukotriene B_4 was detected and the possible alleviative effect at Duxil was explored on the rabbit MCAo model of ischemia .

  30. 脂氧合酶抑制剂乙胺嗪,阻断白三烯生成及部分抑制血栓素B2的增加,可以阻止肺动脉高压形成。

    Diethyl-carbamazine , an inhibitor of lipoxygenase , could both inhibit the production of leukotrienes , partially reduce the increment in TXB2 and abolish endotoxin induced pulmonary hypertension .