
  • 网络white tail;Whitetail
  1. 一个很好的例证是白尾鹿。

    A good case in point is the white-tailed deer .

  2. 产于北美洲西部;白尾灰色鸟。

    Of western North america ; gray with white underparts .

  3. 在美国,白尾鹿的数量创到历史新高,它们的数量如此庞大,

    In America , white-tailed deer are more numerous than ever before ,

  4. 这个地区的居民也猎取白尾鹿和白尾棕色兔。

    Inhabitants of the area also hunted whitetailed deer and the cottontail rabbit .

  5. 那只大个子白尾德克萨斯鹿经过那里。

    So there was this big , white-tailed Texas deer coming across there .

  6. 图上是一只白尾海雕正在挪威捕食一条鲭鱼。

    A white-tailed sea eagle ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) catching a mackerel inNorway .

  7. 白尾鹿是狼在本地区的主要食物。

    The wolves'diet here is mostly white-tailed deer .

  8. 白尾鹿通常在这一带吃草。

    White-tailed deer feed around here .

  9. 威斯康星州森林里的白尾鹿找寻一面朝南的斜坡来以便上午去晒太阳。

    White-tailed deer in these Wisconsin woods search out a south-facing slope to catch the morning sun .

  10. 研究人员们认为像美洲金珩和白尾斑鹬这样的长距离飞鸟在巢旁等待出发时会夹带这些微型孢子。

    The researchers think that long-distance fliers such as the American golden-plover and the white-rumped sandpiper picked up the spores while lining their nests .

  11. 林多先生指出:除了预料之中的竞争者&友好亲切的知更鸟,富有魅力的海鹦,高贵优雅的天鹅之外,意外上榜的还有英国最稀有的鸟类之一,白尾鹞。

    Mr Lindo said : Along with the expected contenders - the friendly robin , charismatic puffin and elegant swan - there is one major surprise , the hen harrier , one of England 's rarest breeding birds .

  12. 林多先生指出:“除了预料之中的竞争者——友好亲切的知更鸟,富有魅力的海鹦,高贵优雅的天鹅之外,意外上榜的还有英国最稀有的鸟类之一,白尾鹞。”

    Mr Lindo said : " Along with the expected contenders - the friendly robin , charismatic puffin and elegant swan - there is one major surprise , the hen harrier , one of England 's rarest breeding birds 。

  13. 由民众投票选出的10个最终候选鸟分别是:知更鸟,翠鸟,仓鸮,蓝冠山雀,鹪鹩,画眉,海鹦,疣鼻天鹅,赤鸢和白尾鹞。

    The 10 most popular birds which have been voted for the by the public are the robin , kingfisher , barn owl , blue tit , wren , blackbird , puffin , mute swan , red kite and hen harrier .

  14. 炎炎盛夏,来一杯瓷白鸡尾酒吧,既美味又清爽的分层鸡尾酒,任何场合都可以喝上一杯。

    China White Cocktail . A delicious and refreshing layered cocktail for any occasion . Simple but so delightful !

  15. 介绍了白濠尾自动锁锭装置的工作原理、设计条件、设计材料、单价分析,提出锁锭装置的推广性和实用性。

    It has introduced the operation principle , design condition , design materials , unit price analysis of the bai-hao-wei lock automatic spindle device , and proposed its popularization and practicability .

  16. 缺血2h再灌注72h,MR影像测得梗死灶主要限于左侧大脑中动脉供血区的皮质和皮质下白质和部分尾壳核。

    At ischemia 2 hours and reperfusion 72 hours , MR imaging measured that the infarcted locals were mainly at the cortex and white matter as well as partial dorsal caudate putamen of blood-supplying region of left middle cerebral artery .