
  • 网络product;Weight Loss;weight loss product
  1. 大多数预制减肥产品几乎都没有什么功效。

    Most pre-prepared weight loss products are next to useless .

  2. 让我们先看看市面上的减肥产品吧!

    Let us look at the weight loss products on the market it !

  3. 个人而言,我不相信这些里面的任何减肥产品。

    Personally , I do not believe in any of these slimming gadgets .

  4. 小知识:2008年,美国人总共消费4千7百万专门购买臀部脂肪的减肥产品。

    Fact : In 2008 , Americans spent $ 47 million on cellulite-reduction devices .

  5. 类似事件还有“蛋白世界”的减肥产品。

    This incident was not very different than that of the Protein World fiasco .

  6. 每年我都对各种各样的减肥产品感到不知所措。

    I 'm overwhelmed with the wide range of different slimming products each year .

  7. 我不是想说减肥产品。

    I didn 't mean weight loss products .

  8. 她们被要求控制饮食,应用相关减肥产品并记录日常锻炼情况。

    They were also given meal plans and coupons for Slim-Fast products and were told to record their daily exercise .

  9. 在220名超重与肥胖人群中,控制体重常用的3种措施为体育锻炼、减少控制饮食和使用减肥产品。

    Among 220 overweight and obesity , they had adopted 3 ways to control weight measures , physical exercise , diet control and medicine .

  10. 我知道你在电视上见识过那些节食减肥产品的广告,它们能帮助你减掉由于压力导致的多余体重。

    I know you 've seen the commercials on television for diet aids that help people loose extra weight put on due to stress .

  11. 据报道,一家医疗用品公司分公司同意支付美国政府3700万美元,以平息政府对某减肥产品可信度的质疑。

    A Medifast subsidiary reportedly to agree to pay $ 3.7 million to settle a US government complaint about the credibility of its weight-loss products .

  12. 尼克:我们可以从服装品牌做起,然后进军家居产品,行李,甚至减肥产品行列。

    Nick : We can start with a clothing line and then branch out into household products , luggage , and even weight loss products .

  13. 这么多的饮食和营养减肥产品充斥市场,消费者发现自己寻找健康忠告震撼太多资讯。

    With so many diet and nutrition weight loss products on the market , consumers looking for health advice find themselves overwhelmed by too much information .

  14. 可是,这个减肥产品却收获了大量新粉丝。不仅如此,他们仅仅用25万英镑的广告费,就创下了超过一百万英镑的直接销售收入。

    The brand ended up gaining plenty of new fans , and their 250000 pounds campaign turned into over 1 million pounds in direct sales revenue .

  15. 随着对肥胖认识层次的逐步加深,从无任何毒副作用的茶叶中提取有效成分,开发天然的减肥产品具有广阔的应用前景。

    As knowledge about obesity deepens , development of natural anti-obesity products without any side effects , based on tea extracts , will have wide application prospects .

  16. 因为这些减肥产品“减”掉的只是你身体内的水分而已,却不是真正该减的多余脂肪。

    Weight loss products because they " cut " out of your body is water only , but it is not true that the reduction of excess fat .

  17. 根据欧睿信息咨询公司的数据,2008年,中国减肥产品销量增长了10%,达到60亿元人民币。该公司预计在未来5年内,减肥产品销售的年均增速为6%。

    Slimming product sales grew 10 percent in 2008 to 6 billion yuan , according to Euromonitor , which predicts 6 percent annual growth for the next five years .

  18. 对于这个问题,大家肯定都是想要了解的,因为减肥产品的疗效才是消费者选择它的主要目的。

    For this problem , I am sure you all want to know , because the efficacy of weight loss products is the consumer choice of its main purposes .

  19. 随着减肥产品和补充剂的市场已经发展成为一个数十亿美元的产业,他们一路査看了蒲公英,咖啡,坚果等等。

    As the market for weight-loss products and supplements has grown to a multi-billion-di liar industry , they 've looked at dandelions , coffee and nuts , among other things .

  20. 现在有两种主要的减肥产品,第一种是药效强却可能非常危险,另外一种是药粉药片或者饮品。

    There are two main types of diet products - the first are strong medications that can be very dangerous , and the others are powders , herbal pills , and drinks .

  21. 目前全国肥胖者已超过9000万人,超重者约为2亿人,预计2010年减肥产品的消费额将达到600亿元。

    At present there are more than 90 million people with obesity in our country and the number of the overweight is 200 million or so . It is estimated that by the year 2010 the consumption amount of fat-reducing products will reach 600 million yuan .

  22. 丙酮酸是重要的有机合成中间体,其广泛应用于医药、化妆品、化学品生产等工业中,尤其是在减肥产品中的大量应用,引起生产和研究的热潮。

    Pyruvate is the important intermediate by organic synthesis , which has widespread application in medicine , cosmetics , chemical production . In recent years , the increasing requirement of of pyruvate , especially used as diet products , resulted in the boom of manufacturing and research .

  23. 美白养颜、减肥瘦身产品。

    Whitening raise colour , slimming products .

  24. 我们很容易就被减肥专产品的承诺和潜质所吸引并且会想象哪个产品适合自己。

    We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us .

  25. 功效:本产品含多种植物精华素对皮肤有明显的滋润、紧肤的效果,是加强燃脂减肥的辅助产品。

    Effect : This product has obviously including many kinds of plant essence element to the skin moistens , the tight skin 's effect , is strengthens burns the auxiliary product which the fat loses weight .

  26. 现在,中国人开始减肥了。从减肥茶到绿豆,各种减肥产品的销量都在急速上升;健身中心正在以闪电般的速度开业(和关门);越来越多的人前往中医院,寻求用针灸和拔火罐的方法减轻体重。

    Sales of slimming products , from weight-loss teas to mung beans , are rising sharply , gyms open ( and close ) at lightning speed , and traditional Chinese hospitals report a rise in patients seeking acupuncture and fire-cupping treatments to help shed weight .

  27. 它有助于减肥:柠檬汁含有果胶,果胶是一种可溶性纤维,在减肥产品中可以看到。

    It supports weight loss : Lemon juice contains pectin , a soluble fiber that has been shown to aid in weight-loss struggles .