首页 / 词典 / good

  • tower;stand erect

  • 见 "繁峙"
  • 直立,耸立:~立。对~(相对而立)。两峰相~。

  • 〔繁~〕地名,在中国山西省。


[书] (耸立; 屹立) tower; stand erect:

  • 雄峙

    tower high above others;

  • 对峙

    stand up against each other; confront each other; rival

  1. 本文用加速器质谱(AMS)~(14)C测定了河北兴隆发现的一件珍贵的旧石器时代晚期工艺品&纹饰鹿角,以及山西朔县峙峪。

    A carved antler of Late Palaeolithic collected from Xinglong County , Hebei Province , was measured by accelerator mass spectrometry ( AMS ) radiocarbon dating .

  2. 要记住,当面临任何挑战时,无论是面对峙说团体、政府还是Twitter上的某个小宅男,他们的本能反应都是屈服。

    Bear in mind that when faced with any challenge , whether from a lobby group , government or nerdy teenager on Twitter , its instinctive response is to crumple .

  3. 通过对海上交通观测的新老方法的分析比较,提出了AIS在海上交通调查过程中需要解决的技术问题,并结合宁波虾峙门的实地观测进行了具体的应用。

    The comparison between traditional methods and new methods of investigation is carried out in the paper , the technical problems of using AIS in marine traffic investigation are analyzed and also an example of using this new method in Channel Xia Shimen and Luo Tou is given .

  4. 双峰并峙继往开来&普鲁斯特与巴尔扎克

    Tradition and Innovation : A Comparative Study of Proust and Balzac

  5. 一山飞峙大江边,跃上葱茏四百旋。

    One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River , with luxuriantly green sceneries .

  6. 通过其迥异独绝的山水诗篇,我们可窥见北地文章大师云停岳峙的胸襟与气度。

    Thgough his distinctive poems , we can see the breadth of the great master 's mind .

  7. 第三,对船舶进出主航道虾峙门航道进行船舶流量预测及通航能力评估;

    Third , predict on flow of ship and appraisal on pass through for main channel traffic ;

  8. 《狂人日记》与《沉沦》是新文学史上并峙的双峰。

    Diary of A Madman and Get Degraded are two peaks in the history of new literature .

  9. 结果表明,峙峪矾土的主要矿物组成为波美石,含有少量的一水硬铝石和锐钛矿等。

    The results show that the major mineral of Shiyu bauxite is boehmite with little diaspore and anatase ect .

  10. 郡之建置源于边地,最初主要是着眼于军事功能。秦汉时期,毗邻匈奴的北境诸边郡,是中原地区与匈奴相对峙的主要区域。

    During Qin and Han Dynasty , the northern frontier was the main region between the Central Plains and Xiongnu .

  11. 舟山马峙岛(30+10)万吨级船坞围堰拆除爆破技术

    Demolition blasting technology of boatyard cofferdam of ( 30 + 10 )× 10 ~ 4 tons in Zhoushan Mashi Island

  12. 两部伟大作品遥相呼应,形成了中国古典文学悲剧精神的并峙高峰。

    The two works echo with each other , standing for the two peaks of tragic spirit in Chinese classical literature .

  13. 分析虾峙门锚地的基本作业条件,指出虾峙门锚地存在的锚泊安全隐患。

    The basic operation conditions of Xiashimen anchorage in Ningbo Zhoushan port were analyzed to point out the anchoring security risks existing .

  14. 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯的熔融双峰与形态双峰并峙继往开来&普鲁斯特与巴尔扎克

    THE DOUBLE MELTING PEAKS AND MORPHOLOGY OF POLY ( ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE ) Tradition and Innovation : A Comparative Study of Proust and Balzac

  15. 莲花峰奇伟秀丽,雄峙在黄山之颠。沿河有一条风景秀丽的散步小径。

    Lotus Peak is peculiar and beautiful , sitting high at the top of Mount Huangshan . There is a beautiful walk along the river .

  16. 为了避免出现悬峙国会,温和的工党与激进的绿党商议组织联合政府。

    In order to resolve the crisis of a hung parliament , the moderate Labour Party negotiated with the radical Green Party to form an alliance .

  17. 朔城区历史悠久,28000年前的旧石器时代晚期“峙峪人”就在此栖居生息。

    New City has a long history , the Old Stone Age28,000 years ago , the late " Tongkuangyu Zhi ", in relation to live in this dwelling .

  18. 他对诸多谈辩方法的娴熟驾驭,客观上对儒学摆脱困境,与墨学双峰并峙于战国时期起到了推波助澜的历史作用。

    He resorted to many kinds of methods flexibly , and this produced a great impact on Confucianism which had an eaual place to Mohism in the Warring States .

  19. 该组二元结构清晰,地貌特征明显,有同位素测年数据,与下伏峙峪组为侵蚀不整合接触。

    This formation has a distinct binary structure and pronounced geomorphological features as well as isotope age data . It is in erosional unconformable contact with the underlying Zhiyu Formation .

  20. 梁启超和严复可称晚清民初思想界双峰并峙的两位巨人,他们的学术和思想有许多相同点,但亦有明显差异。

    Liang Qichao and Yan Fu , the twin giants in the late Qing and early Republican era , while sharing many common intellectual and academic ideas , differ remarkably .

  21. 大开发几年来,西部生态环境建设、改善呈现出可喜变化,当前治理与破坏相峙。

    Several years after China'Western Development Program began , the construction and improvement of the western ecological environment are going from better to better , but there are still damages .

  22. 随着宁波-舟山港吞吐量的迅速增长,虾峙门航道通航能力将面临越来越大的压力。

    Along with the Ningbo-Zhoushan port volume of goods handled rapid growth , the Xiashimen channel will be open to navigation ability to face the more and more tremendous pressure .

  23. 康乾时代在世界范围内是农业文明的最后光辉与资本主义的始发阶段相对峙,而农业文明还占上风的时代,乾隆的作为不可能超越历史所提供的条件;

    The time of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong were confronted with both the last glory of agricultural civilization and the early stage of capitalism in the scope of the world .

  24. 皿型牵张器应力变化较大,且骰且织援你如也较大,适用于原牙槽峙状况LI:WRf的病例。

    The stress variation and the maximal stress of bones caused by Distractor El are great and it is suitably used in the cases with good conditions of the primary alveolar ridge crest .

  25. 还有部分中国渔民常年留居岛上,站峙捕捞、挖井汲水、垦荒种植、盖房建庙、饲养禽畜等。

    Some of them lived on the islands for years , going for fishing , digging wells for fresh water , cultivating land and farming , building huts and temples , and raising livestock .

  26. 第一,哲学上的人本主义与自然主义的对立引发了文学史上的古典主义与浪漫主义的并峙,以《诗学》为代表的亚里士多德的古典主义美学是正统的理论;

    Firstly , the contrast of humanism and naturalism in philosophy has brought forth the contrast of classicism and romanticism in literature and the classical aesthetics represented by Aristotle 's Rhetoric and Poetics is the orthodox .

  27. 由于他追求的是谋主的成功,关注的是自己作为附丽者的利益,因而希望造成一个诸侯对垒互峙之局,竭力阻挠刘邦的统一战争。

    As he sought to succeed his master , and followed the interests of a dependency , and wished that Dukes confronted each other , he did his best to obstruct Liu bang 's United war .

  28. 徐灿是明末清初的著名女词人,清人对其评价甚高,认为可与李清照并峙千古。

    Xu Can was well-known as a woman writer during the late Ming and early Qing period , who was spoken highly by people living in the Qing Dynasty and looked up to as Li Qingzhao .

  29. 阴阳是一个抽象的、相对峙的、特殊矛盾范畴的概念,是中医学的主要思维方法,与矛盾概念有着重要的区别;

    Yinyang is an abstract conception , a pair of counterparts , belongs to the realm of contradiction with its specialty , is the major thinking method in TCM , but it differentiates from the conception of contradiction obviously .

  30. 很多人会忍不住这么做,可是你如果保峙在杯子上方,就能感受到那种不可思议的气味熏蒸,甜美的香气向己飘了上来。

    It 's very tempting . But if you stay above the glass , that 's where you are going to see the incredible lift , it 's as if , yes , the sweet aromas are coming Up by themselves .