
shāo bāo
  • be drunken with success;have a swollen head
烧包 [shāo bāo]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [forget oneself]∶由于富有或得势而忘乎所以

  • 有的人钱多了就烧包,吃喝玩乐,满不在乎

  • (3) [paper money]∶旧时祭鬼神,焚烧封成包的纸钱

  1. 嗨,你的钱多得都烧包了,干吗不讨个老婆?

    Say , why don 't you get married with all this money to burn ?

  2. 餐馆里无限量供应茶水,食物种类却很有限,就是大叉烧包和光亮的花式芝麻馒头之类的食物。

    They offered unlimited tea and limited food , the likes of har gow , colossal char siu bao and glossy braided sesame buns .