
  1. 析中国传统村落社会小农意识的生成土壤

    Analysis on formed soil of small-peasants consciousness in Chinese traditional rural society

  2. 邻里关系较多地反映了传统的小农意识。

    All these reflect traditional petty farmers ideology .

  3. 一个不散的幽灵:暴发户与小农意识下的城市化妆运动

    A Wandering Spirit : the Parvenus and the Make-up Movement Under the Small-Peasant Consciousness in the City

  4. 建立在自然经济和宗法社会基础上的小农意识,日益阻碍着中国现代化的纵深发展。

    The small farmer mentality , based on natural economy and patriarchal society , increasingly hinders the development of modernization .

  5. 但是这座城市也有一种慷慨的精神,而不是狭隘的小农意识。

    But Manchester had a spark of generosity in its city life , rather than the parochial attitudes of the small town .

  6. 中国现代化进程要求对小农意识进行彻底改造以构建新的民族文化心理。

    The development of Chinese modernization needs to remold the small farmer mentality thoroughly in order to structure new national cultural mentality .

  7. 历史的经验和教训告诉我们曾经犯过的错误无一不与小农意识有关。

    The historical experience and lessons make us know that mistake we have made ever have to do with the mentality of smallholder .

  8. 在改变农民观念方面,要克服农民的小农意识和保守观念,培养农民进取精神;

    In changing peasant 's idea , overcome peasants ' peasant 's consciousness and guard the idea , train peasant 's enterprising spirit ;

  9. 洪秀全在特殊历史条件下把基督教教义、仪式与中国传统儒家思想、小农意识以及民间宗教交糅融合。

    Hong Xiuquan , under the special history conditions , combined Christian doctrines and rituals with traditional Chinese Confucianism , peasant ideology and folk religions .

  10. 其中,作为民族文化心理的小农意识对现代化的掣肘往往不易被重视。

    Among them , as the national cultural mentality , small farmer mentality is an impediment to the development Of modernization and it is often neglected .

  11. 农民工的小农意识和阶级意识的矛盾以及农民工作为末代农民的历史与世界意义等。

    The contradiction of the peasant ideology and class consciousness of these peasant laborers , and the historical and worldwide significance of this last generation of peasants .

  12. 在经济转型中,有三种主要的社会意识存在,即小农意识、计划观念和市场意识。

    There are three major social awareness in economical transition , i. e. , petty farmer 's ideology , conception of planned economy , and market consciousness .

  13. 政策失误表现在:宗教意识形态与文化政策实践中的偏差、政治透明的相对性、人才引进平等精神的变异、小农意识浓厚及造血功能的缺失等。

    Meanwhile , the failures were represented in the devation between religion ideology and cultual policy practice , the relativity of political transparency and the denseness of smallholder consciousness .

  14. “边际人”现代化是必要性的,通过分析小农意识和现代市民精神的内涵特征,可以明了培养“边际人”现代市民精神的理由。

    The article emphatically explains importance of modernization of the marginal persons , and it deeply analyses the contents of modern citizens ' spirit and the small farmers ' consciousness .

  15. 现实生活中,我国农民受教育程度普遍不高,接受教育的机会少,小农意识强烈,导致农民素质偏低、法律观念和公民意识淡薄、缺乏一技之长。

    Real life , education degree by Chinese farmers generally is not high , accept education less chance of small-scale peasant consciousness , low quality of farmers , cause serious legal concept , citizenship , weak , lack of skill .

  16. 土地流转是农民发动的至下而上的改革,由于农民的小农意识和整体素质不高,所以在实践操作中难免会出现各种各样的问题。

    And it meets the mechanized large-scale production . Land transfer is initiated by the farmers to the bottom-up reforms . Due to small-peasant mentality of farmers and their own low quality in practice a wide range of issues is inevitable .

  17. 当然,传统、落后的价值观念还依然存在,并且更值得关注、担忧,如封闭的小农意识、传统的家族观念、愚昧的封建习俗和盲目的从众心理等落后思想观念阻碍了农村现代化的进程。

    Certainly traditional and backward value concepts , such as closed small farmer consciousness , traditional family concept , ignorant feudal customs , and blind others-following mentality , have been existing for a long time and hindered development of countryside modernization but deserves more attention and worries .

  18. 马克思主义是无产阶级的思想,在它与中国具体实际结合时,必然会受到各种非无产阶级思想的影响和挑战,其中以自然经济为基础形成的小农意识一直阻碍马克思主义中国化进程。

    In the process of Marxism integrating into Chinese specific reality , Marxism that is proletarian ideology is bound to be affected by a variety of non-proletarian thought . The mentality of smallholder that forms for the foundation of natural economy has embarrassed the process of Sinicization of Marxism .

  19. 然而,小农及其经济和意识对当今社会现代化则是一个桎梏。

    Small farmers , including their economy and awareness , are a shackle to the modernization of the society .