
  • 网络balsamic vinegar;Black vinegar;balsamic
  1. 成熟的黑醋里以及明显的香草、烟熏气息;

    In ripped black vinegar as well as obvious vanilla , smoking breath ;

  2. 2004年黑醋风靡一时之际,饮醋风潮开始盛行。在此之前,饮醋并不是很常见。

    The vinegar-drinking trend gained momentum in 2004 , when black vinegar became all the rage .

  3. 把这些黑醋栗放在平底锅里。

    Place the blackcurrants in a pan .

  4. 此酒散发浓郁的黑樱桃,黑莓和黑醋栗等芳香气息。

    Opens with deep black cherry , blackberry and cassis flavors .

  5. 红色浆果,黑醋栗,樱桃,悬钩子酱味。

    Red fruit , blackcurrants , cherries , raspberry jam .

  6. 黑醋栗果汁加工新工艺的研究

    The New Techonology of Producing Fruit Juice of Black Currant

  7. 葡萄酒鉴赏家们通常会将它跟黑醋栗口味联系起来。

    The connoisseurs often associate it with a blackcurrant flavor .

  8. 你尝试过喝黑醋减肥吗?

    You attempt have drunk theblack vinegar to lose weight ?

  9. 散发着清新而浓郁的黑醋栗与樱桃的果香。

    Fresh and wonderfully pungent blackcurrant and cherry nose .

  10. 黑醋栗果汁加工与贮藏保鲜技术研究

    Study on Ribes nigrum juice process and preservation technique

  11. 黑醋栗原汁加工与保藏技术研究

    Processing and Preservation Techniques of Black Currant Raw Juice

  12. 京晶:看看:小葱,料酒,黑醋。

    Let 's see : green onions , cooking wine , dark vinegar .

  13. 黑醋栗般的浆果,主要用果酱和果冻中。

    Currant-like berry used primarily in jams and jellies .

  14. 由黑醋栗、黑橄榄和黑巧克力所组成的味道透着活跃的芳香。

    Lifted and penetrating aromas of blackcurrants , black olives and dark chocolate .

  15. 新鲜的黑醋栗、樱桃以及黑莓香气。

    Displays fresh blackcurrant , cherry and blackberry aromas .

  16. 强烈的黑醋栗,甘草和黑巧克力口味,并在舌间挥之不去。

    Powerful flavours of blackcurrant , liquorices and dark chocolate with a lingering aftertaste .

  17. 有黑醋粟和黑莓的香味。

    The smell has Blackcurrant and black cherries .

  18. 带有洋李、黑醋栗、深色水果的香气和淡淡的桉树的香味。

    Intense bouquet of plums , blackcurrants , dark fruits and hint of eucalyptus .

  19. 蕴含绿茶精华、水鲜精华、老虎草精华、黑醋梨等。

    Contains gree tea essence narcissus essence , saxifrage essence , currant & so on .

  20. 黑醋栗叶又苦又甜的气味。

    The bitter-sweet scent of blackcurrant leaves .

  21. 散发着植物芳香,具有香浓的欧洲黑醋栗与西洋李子气息。

    Concentrated creme de cassis and damson plums to the flore , with floral aromas .

  22. 丹宁柔和酒体结构佳,充满黑醋栗、黑浆果、李子和成熟的蜜枣味道。

    Soft tannins structure with currants fruits , dark berry , plum and ripe prune .

  23. 一块黑醋栗味道的水果片儿。

    It 's a blackcurrant fruit pastille .

  24. 气味:有黑醋栗,黑莓,紫罗兰及烟熏的味道。

    Smell : Smell of blackcurrant , blackberry , prune , mousse , violet and smoked .

  25. 深宝石红色,黑醋栗、红莓、淡淡的香草香味。

    Deep ruby red wine with aromas of blackcurrant , red berries and trace of vainilla .

  26. 2007年的葡萄酒有着新鲜的青草味,黑醋栗味和猕猴桃的马博罗的香味。

    The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass , gooseberries and kiwifruit .

  27. 黑醋栗的果香与黑樱桃、黑加仑子及雪茄盒的芳香十分馥郁。

    Exuberant cassis fruit on the nose , with black cherry , blackcurrant and cigar box notes .

  28. 气味:有丰富的黑醋栗,越桔酱,烟熏,香料和麝香的香气。

    Smell : Expressive smell with blackcurrant , blueberry jam , smocked , spices , musk and fern .

  29. 明亮的红宝石色,带着成熟的黑樱桃,雪松,黑醋栗和干香料的芳香。

    Bright , ruby colour with aromas of ripe black cherry , cassis , cedar and dried spice .

  30. 香味:部份花束有显著的木桶味里又带有黑醋栗的果香味。

    Aroma : Bouquet partially masked by a woody note very marked with red fruits aromas ( blackcurrant ) .