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  • 网络INGRES;Angel;Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres;Paul Engle;Aigner
  1. 安格尔和德拉克洛瓦是古典主义画派的两个著名倡导者。

    Ingres and Delacroix were two famous exponents of classicism .

  2. 作为新古典主义大师安格尔的绘画中充满了理性思维的色彩。

    Rational thinking as a neo-classical master Ingres painting full of color .

  3. 上周末,我观看了安格尔在拉斯维加斯(lasvegas)一间酒吧向支持者发表的讲话,其间衣着清凉的女招待不断地给她的支持者送上格雷伯爵茶和酒精饮料。

    Over the weekend , I watched MS angle address supporters in a bar in Las Vegas , while scantily clad waitresses plied her supporters with Earl Grey tea and other stronger beverages .

  4. 只有安格尔的一家医院在运行。

    Only one hospital , at angal , is functioning .

  5. 安格尔说,这样做,将减少全国盐的摄入量达百分之二十。

    Doing that would reduce the nation 's salt intake by20 percent , Angell said .

  6. 失去了他,安格尔顿成了无锚之船,慢慢地向着旋涡漂去。

    Without him , Angleton became a ship without anchor , drifting slowly toward the abyss .

  7. 1814年,法国新古典主义画家让-奥古斯特-多米尼克-安格尔绘制了一幅弗娜丽娜坐在拉斐尔膝盖上的作品。

    In1814 , the French artist Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres painted La Fornarina sitting on the artist 's knee .

  8. 正如安格尔的一位支持者所说:奥巴马想让这个国家更像欧洲。

    As one Angle supporter put it : Obama wants this country to look more like Europe .

  9. 安格尔:真笨!这易如反掌。他踏上了另一只脚。

    Angle : How stupid ! Itas easy as people say'Hello ' . He stepped another foot .

  10. 周三,威廉感谢当地人说他们还不知道有什么地方能像安格尔西岛一样美丽和热情。

    On Wednesday , William thanked locals saying they 'd never known anywhere as beautiful and welcoming as Anglesey .

  11. 在内华州,共和党在获得茶党人员的强力支持下,提名莎伦•安格尔为参议员。

    And in Nevada , Republicans nominated Sharron Angle for the Senate with strong support from Tea Party activists .

  12. 安格尔Ⅱ~1类减数矫治:我们到底能引起哪些硬组织侧貌的改变?

    Extraction treatment of Class ⅱ ~ 1 cases : What can we change the patient 's hard tissue profile ?

  13. 这只不同寻常的猫咪雌雄同体,猫咪之友阿克林顿分部的志愿者给它起了名字:安格尔。

    The unusual feline , named Angel by volunteers at Friends of the Cats ' Accrington branch , is ahermaphrodite .

  14. 周三,威廉感谢当地人说他们还不知道有什么地方能像“安格尔西岛一样美丽和热情”。

    On Wednesday , William thanked locals saying they 'd never known anywhere as " beautiful and welcoming as Anglesey . "

  15. 白色带有斑纹的小安格尔,不得不接受手术来确认性别,因为雌雄同体的猫咪可能会出现健康问题。

    Little white and tabby Angel now has to undergo treatment to assign a gender , as hermaphrodite cats can have health problems .

  16. 在近代的作品中,有签署德拉克洛瓦、安格尔,德甘、杜罗扬、梅索尼多宾宜等名字的油画、

    Among the works of modern art were pictures signed by Delacroix , Ingres , Decamps , Troyon , Meissonier , Daubigny , etc. ,

  17. 从安格尔的生平介绍中可以了解他的艺术风格的形成以及与大卫的艺术风格的貌合神离。

    From the introduction of striker can understand his life the formation of the artistic style of the artistic style and David the further apart .

  18. 安格尔的创作理念和绘画作品启发了现代艺术,这些优美的作品对受众的心理建构也产生了积极影响。

    Ingres ' creation idea and painting works enlightened the modern art ; these exquisite works brought positive influence to the psychological construction of audience .

  19. 安格尔倍受茶党欣赏。茶党力主小政府,强大的国防和低税收。

    Angle is a favorite of Tea Party Republicans , who favor a very limited role for government , a strong military and low taxes .

  20. 安格尔用一种充满诗意和浪漫的想象,描绘了巨匠最后的时刻、国王倾身凝听他的遗言。

    Ingres envisaged in a poetic and romanticized way the scene of the master artist 's last moment and the king collecting his last words .

  21. 通过对安格尔的作品分析及绘画风格成因的研究,目的在于对安格尔有一个多角度、全方位的认识。

    By analyzing Ingres ' works and causes of painting style , the author has a purpose to recognizing Ingres from different angles and various orientations .

  22. 你知道我们展示有35000件艺术品,其中包括安格尔的作品,他贞的是我最喜欢的画家之一。

    You know we exhibit 35000 works of art , and among them Ingres , which is really one of my favorite painter [ s ] .

  23. 虽然安格尔继承了大卫的艺术风格,但在青年时期的安格尔的绘画作品已经表明他最终背离了大卫所尊奉的若干艺术准则。

    Although striker inherited David art style , but the striker as a youth paintings have shown that he finally deviates from David some weapons artistic criteria .

  24. 但在结束了与西班牙外长米古尔•安格尔•莫拉蒂诺的会谈后,查韦斯表示,目前西班牙只是要求委内瑞拉提供一些信息,并非提出指控,他对此感到满意。

    But Chavez said after a conversation with Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos , he was satisfied that Madrid was now simply requesting information , not making accusations .

  25. 虽然安格尔的绘画风格被划入新古典主义,但他不同题材的作品在古典主义风格的基础上,时而流露出现实主义基调,时而又流露出浪漫主义情怀。

    Although Ingres ' painting style was listed as neoclassicism , but his works of different subjects based on the classic style reveal realistic mood or romantic passion at times .

  26. 无论是弗洛伊德早期受安格尔影响的冷漠线条还是中后期受培根影响的大笔触,弗洛伊德始终都在表现内心深处最真实的自己。

    The early Freud influenced by Ingres indifference lines or strokes of late by the Bacon , Freud always in the performance of deep inside the most true to yourself .

  27. 举例分析了安格尔的几幅人物画,说明同样是人物画,安格尔却能画的生动鲜活,让人能够感受到作画对象所传达出的情绪。

    For an analysis of the pieces of Ingres portraits on the same figure , Ingres painted a vivid can live , people can feel the object of the painting convey emotions .

  28. 其实,这一切都是精明的小把戏&这种悲伤的调味品真正原料来自威尔士北部安格尔西岛。但是,这一套盐类调味品售价30英镑,估计这个价格足够使你飙泪了。

    It 's all a clever gimmick the real origins of this sad seasoning is Anglesey but , at 30 pounds a set , the price might be enough to drive you to tears .

  29. 其次通过造型、构图、色彩和笔触等艺术手法对安格尔与弗洛伊德作品中的女人体进行比较,从而分析和概括两者笔下女人体的不同。

    Followed by artistic techniques such as modeling , composition , color and brushwork compare Ingres with the works of Freud , the female body , inorder to analyze and summarize both pen different female body .

  30. 其实,这一切都是精明的小把戏——这种悲伤的调味品真正原料来自威尔士北部安格尔西岛。但是,这一套盐类调味品售价30英镑,估计这个价格足够使你飙泪了。

    It 's all a clever gimmick - the real origins of this sad seasoning is Anglesey - but , at 30 pounds a set , the price might be enough to drive you to tears .