
tàn bǐ
  • charcoal pencil;charcoal crayon
炭笔 [tàn bǐ]
  • [charcoal pencil] 用细木板烧焦或用炭粉制成笔

炭笔[tàn bǐ]
  1. 晕渲是通过炭笔或喷射的方法应用于地图绘制的。

    Shading is applied to the drawing by crayon or spray .

  2. 我崩溃哭泣,炭笔条花得跟睫毛膏一样。

    I broke down crying . My charcoal ran like mascara .

  3. 如果您真的想近乎疯狂地使用大量炭笔

    If you really want to go wild with the charcoal

  4. 炭笔效果模拟出该图像的素描画。

    The charcoal effect simulates a charcoal artist 's impression of the image .

  5. 炭笔画用这种炭笔画成的速描或画。

    A sketch or drawing made with this charcoal .

  6. 我更偏爱用炭笔素描而不是用铅笔。

    I prefer sketching in charcoal to pencil .

  7. 有的艺术家用炭笔、有的用水彩,还有些用……泡沫?

    Some artists work in charcoal , others watercolor and some use ... foam ?

  8. 壁炉前已经失去金色光泽的画架上面放着爱米丽父亲的炭笔画像。

    On a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily 's father .

  9. 我虽然不精通炭笔素描,油画与水彩画,但我擅长手指画。

    I am poor at charcoal sketches , oil painting and watercolors , but I am good at finger painting .

  10. 在煤气炉上方的架子上,放着一位留着黑短发,带着高傲、刚强神色的少妇的炭笔肖像。

    On a shelf above the gas fire is a charcoal drawing of a youngish woman with dark , bobbed hair and proud , strong features .

  11. 艺术家自承其创作观念的一部分便是允许油彩与炭笔线条的融合,允许绘画过程中的巧合与意外。

    As he explains , he lets his applications of paint melt together , allowing the developing coincidences , as well as the unplanned accidents , become a part of the concept .

  12. 那家餐馆,桌布上有纸,服务员送上菜单时,还带上颜色炭笔,你可以一边等菜,一边画画或写诗。

    It was one of those places that have paper over the tablecloths and when they bring you the menu , they also bring crayons so that you can draw or write poetry while you 're waiting for your meal .