
  1. 安抚奶嘴我称之为“嘴嘴”那时大概是普天之下我最爱的一样东西了。

    My soother which I called " googer " was probably my favorite thing in the world at the time .

  2. 相比而言,安抚奶嘴会掉到地上弄脏,而您的乳头永远都是安全的。

    Unlike a pacifier ( dummy ), which can fall on the floor and get dirty , your nipples are always safe .

  3. 如果宝宝的安抚奶嘴是橡胶的,就给他用橡胶的奶嘴,而不是硅胶的。

    If she sucks on a latex pacifier , use a latex bottle nipple rather than a silicone one , and vice versa .

  4. 斯科特:类似于儿童用安抚奶嘴或咀嚼玩具的东西,它们在有的国家被禁用而在我们的国家却没有被禁用为什么一定要等到这种事情发生了才那样做呢?

    Scott : Well , there are things like pacifiers or chew toys for children that in other countries they don 't have those chemicals in them . And they 've been banned in other countries ; they 're not banned here . Why wait until something is done about that ?