
chū rǔ
  • colostrum;beestings;neogala
初乳[chū rǔ]
  1. 通过研究确定了硫酸铵盐析法提取牛初乳中免疫球蛋白G的最佳工艺。

    Determine the best technology of using ammonium sulfate-extraction to extract the immunoglobulin G in colostrum through studies .

  2. 牛初乳免疫球蛋白(IgG)稳定性的研究及改善

    Study and Improvement on the Stability of Bovine Colostrum Immunoglobulin G

  3. 牛初乳IgG对酸奶双菌混合发酵过程的抑制效应

    Inhibitory effect of immunoglobulin G from bovine colostrum on the mixture

  4. 本试验采用邻苯三酚自氧化法,对牛奶中SOD活性进行了研究。结果表明:在泌乳期间SOD活性是初乳>末乳>常乳。

    The SOD activity in cow 's milk was studied using pyrogallol autoxidation method .

  5. 牛初乳中的IgG对肠黏膜免疫系统调节的初步研究

    Regulatory Effects of IgG from Bovine Colostrum on Gastrointestinal Mucosa Immunity System

  6. 乳清制备和热处理工艺对初乳IgG含量的影响研究

    Preparation and Thermal Disinfection Process of Whey on IgG Content of Colostrum

  7. 牛初乳中IGF和TGF的分离与纯化

    The isolation and purification of IGF and TGF from bovine colostrums

  8. AOT-异辛烷反胶束萃取技术分离牛初乳IgG的研究

    Study on immunoglobulin G separation from bovine colostrum by AOT-in-isooctane reversed micellar extraction

  9. 超滤法对牛初乳中IgG含量和活性的影响

    The Influence of Ultrafiltration on the Content and Activity of IgG in Colostrums

  10. 牛初乳中乳铁蛋白与IgG的分离纯化

    Purification of Lactoferrin and IgG from Bovine Colostrum

  11. 免疫初乳中IgG的分离与纯化

    Isolation and Purification of IgG from Immune Colostrums

  12. 建立了检测牛初乳中免疫球蛋白(IgG)含量的免疫胶体金法,并与常用的免疫单扩散法进行了比较。

    Immunogold was set up to detect the content of IgG in bovine colostrum .

  13. 牛初乳IgG对仔猪增重和血液指标的影响

    Effects of IgG from Bovine Colostrum on Weight gain and Blood Parameters in Piglets

  14. 牛初乳中活性物质IgG含量分析

    Analysis on activity content in bovine colostrum

  15. 妊娠后期日粮脂肪含量为9.1%,淀粉含量为48.1%时,母猪初乳中的乳脂率达5.7%(P<0.05)。

    Diets with 9.1 % of fat and 48.1 % of starch during late gestation , the fat concentration of colostrum was 5.7 % . ( P0.05 ) .

  16. 初乳中免疫球蛋白(IgG)含量及其与蛋白质、密度的关系;

    The content of immunoglobulin G in bovine colostrums and its relationship with protein and density ;

  17. pH值对牛初乳中胰岛素样生因子-1(IGF-1)分离纯化的影响

    Influence of Different pH on the Purification of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 ( IGF-1 ) from Bovine Colostrums

  18. 初乳中单纯HBsAg阳性,而HBVdna为阴性的产妇可以哺乳。

    The parturients with the colostrums positive for HBsAg , but negative for HBV DNA were suitable for beast feeding .

  19. [结论]脐血和初乳HBV感染与孕妇HBV感染程度有关。

    [ Conclusion ] The HBV infection of cord blood and colostrum were related to HBV infection of pregnant women .

  20. 牛初乳短链IGF-1对STZ诱导糖尿病大鼠的即时降糖作用观察

    Hypoglycemic effect of bovine colostrum truncated IGF-1 in STZ-induced diabetic rats

  21. 利用Arrhenius方程,分析了牛初乳中IgG热变性过程中的热动力参数。

    And thermodynamics parameters were analysed by Arrhenius equation .

  22. 检测牛初乳粉及其产品中IgG质量浓度的三种方法比较

    Comparison of three methods for determination of the contents of IgG in bovine colostrums powder and its products

  23. BCG对妊娠母猪血清及初乳免疫球蛋白含量影响的研究

    Effect of BCG on the Concentration of Serum of Colostrum Immunoglobulins of Pregnant Sows

  24. RID分析表明,反胶束萃取过程对原牛初乳乳清IgG的免疫反应活性基本无影响。

    RID analysis showed that no loss of IgG immunoreactive activity was found in the process of reversed micelles extraction .

  25. 初乳中轮状病毒特异性Ig的测定与评价

    Detection of specific Igs of RV and clinical evaluation

  26. 表皮生长因子(EpidermalGrowthFactor,EGF)是调节细胞增殖、分化、代谢、存活、凋亡等的一种重要生长因子,是初乳和常乳中最重要的生长因子之一。

    Epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) is an important growth factor in the regulation of cell proliferation , differentiation , metabolism , survival and apoptosis .

  27. 通过测定牛初乳在不同温度下IgG的活性含量,研究了牛初乳粉中IgG对热的稳定性。

    The thermal stability of IgG from bovine colostrum powder was investigated by analysing activation of IgG at different temperature .

  28. 牛初乳短链IGF-1对STZ糖尿病大鼠物质代谢及肾脏的影响

    Effect of bovine colostrum truncated igf_1 on metabolism and kidney in STZ-induced diabetic rats

  29. 奶牛初乳SIgA的提纯与电泳分析

    The Purification and Electrophoretic Analysis of Siga in Bovine Colostrum

  30. 转移生长因子TGF-β在SD大鼠骨关节炎中的表达牛初乳中转化生长因子β的分离纯化

    The Expression Role of Transforming Growth Factor - β in Rat Osteoarthritis ; Extraction and purification of TGF - β from bovine coloctrum