
cuī rǔ
  • lactagogue;stimulate milk secretion
催乳 [cuī rǔ]
  • [stimulate milk secretion] 又称通乳、下乳。治疗产后缺乳的方法

催乳[cuī rǔ]
  1. 有机锗体外试验可使GH(生长激素)LTH(催乳激素)浓度显著提高。

    The external test of organic germanium can make the consistency of GH ( growth hormone ) and LTH ( lactagogue hormone ) increase remarkably .

  2. 芝麻催乳食品的研制及功效研究

    Development and Efficacy of a Lactagogue Food Containing Sesame

  3. 匙孔动态增强MRI对45例催乳激素分泌型垂体微腺瘤的诊断

    Keyhole Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( Contrast-enhanced MRI ) in the Diagnosis of Pituitary Microadenomas with Prolactin ( PRL ) Secretion in 45 Patients

  4. 测定血清FSH、LH、催乳激素、雌二醇与孕酮对继发闭经的诊断意义

    Evaluation of serum fsh , lh , prolactin , estradiol and progesterone in diagnosis of secondary amenorrhea

  5. 催乳激素细胞的数量为3.94×108个,细胞面积为46.03μm2。

    The number and size of PRL secreting cells was 3.94 × 10 8 and 46.03 μ m 2 , respectively .

  6. 结果显示:葛根素对小白鼠血清中雌二醇、孕酮、催乳激素含量无显著的影响(P0.05);而使血清中生长激素的含量极显著升高。(P0.01)。

    The results showed that puerarin not change estradiol , progesterone and prolactin content ( P0.05 ), but significantly increased the growth hormone content ( P0.01 ) in mouse blood serum .

  7. 观察组术后6h予饮用催乳汤,辅以主食;

    82 delivery women undergoing cesarean section were randomly divided into two groups : observation group , drinking galactogogue 6 h after cesarean section supplemented with principal food ;

  8. RPD部有3种细胞,分别为催乳激素(PRL)细胞,促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)细胞,促性腺激素(GtH)细胞。

    2 ) there are three kinds of cells in RPD , which are prolactin ( PRL ) cell , adrenocorticotropin ( ACTH ) cell and gonadotropin ( GtH ) cell ;

  9. 本文测定12例绝经后子宫内膜癌患者手术前后血清雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)、促卵泡成熟激素(FSH)、黄体化激素(LH)和催乳激素(PRL)的水平。

    Serum levels of estradiol ( E_2 ), testosterone ( T ), follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ), luteinizing hormone ( LH ), and prolactin ( PRL ) were determined pre-and postoperatively by radioimmunoassay in 12 patients with endometrial carcinoma 2 yrs after menopause .

  10. 催乳中药泌乳灵临床研究

    A Clinical Study on " Miruling " - A Herbal Lactagogue

  11. 结论:白芥子复方具有催乳作用。

    CONCLUSIONS : WMM have the promotion of Lactation in rats .

  12. 涌泉冲剂催乳的效果研究

    Study on the Effect of YongQuan drink on promoting lactation

  13. 男性急性脑卒中患者下丘脑垂体性腺轴功能测定及血清催乳激素水平观察

    Observation on hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis and prolactin in male patients with acute stroke

  14. 临床催乳效果观察

    The Observation of the Effect on the Clinical Promoting Lactation

  15. 目的研究泌乳宝冲剂的催乳作用。

    To evaluate promoting effect of Mirubao granules diluent on the lactation .

  16. 目的观察乳泉冲剂的催乳效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of Ruquan drink on promoting lactation .

  17. 催乳汤对产妇泌乳量及新生儿体重的影响

    Effect of Galactogogue on the Lactation and Infant Body Weight in Delivery Women

  18. 四季鹅繁殖周期中血浆β-内啡肽和催乳激素的变化规律

    The changes in plasma β - endorphine of si-ji goose during reproductive cycle

  19. 比较催乳激素内分泌学内分泌学会:旨在促进内分泌的大众教育。

    Society for Endocrinology aims to promote the advancement of public education in endocrinology .

  20. 公马生长激素细胞和催乳激素细胞的形态计测学研究

    A morphometric study on prolactin and growth hormone cells in the anterior pituitary of stallions

  21. 绒(毛)膜生长催乳激素图示:腹膜腔乳糜性腹水,呈乳白色。

    The milky white fluid shown here in the peritoneal cavity represents a chylous ascites .

  22. 前言:目的:研究麦当乳通颗粒对哺乳期大鼠的催乳作用。

    Objective : To study galactagogue effect of Maidang Rutong granule on the lactation rats .

  23. 人类催乳激素的正常与异常分泌

    Normal and Abnormal Secretions of Human Prolactin

  24. 某些环境因子对罗非鱼脑垂体催乳激素分泌细胞活动的影响

    The effect of some environmental factors on prolactin cell activity in the hypophysis of Tilapia nilotica

  25. 急性颅脑伤患者血清生长激素、催乳激素、促甲状腺激素放射免疫测定

    Radioimmunoassay of serum growth hormone , prolactin and thyroid-stimulating hormone in patients with acute cranio-cerebral injury

  26. 更年期妇女睡眠质量与血清雌二醇、5-羟色胺、催乳激素的相关性研究

    The Relativity between the Sleep Quality in Climacteric Women and Serum Estradiol , Serotonin and Prolactin

  27. 催乳口服液的研制

    Preparation of Cuiru Oral Liquid

  28. 产宝口服液对产后缺乳大鼠催乳作用的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Lactagogue Effect of " Changbao " Oral Liquid on Rats with Puerperal Hypogalactia

  29. 这些妇女也产生少得多的催乳激素,标志着其细胞未正确蜕膜。

    These women also produced far less prolactin , a sign that their cells don 't decidualise properly .

  30. 一种可能的解释是这是因为荷尔蒙中的催乳激素,其控制着人哭的次数。

    A possible explanation for this is the hormone prolactin , which contributes to how much people cry .