
  • 网络Hangu District;Hangu District, Tianjin
  1. 天津市汉沽区污水库改造工程

    Renovation project of sewage reservoir in Hangu District of Tianjin

  2. 天津市汉沽区媒介生物调查初报

    Investigation of vector Biological at Hangu District in Tianjin

  3. 以汉沽区垃圾处理场可行性研究中的垃圾渗滤液处理方法为例,介绍了垃圾渗滤液的产生原因、流量的计算及处理方案。

    Based on the solid waste leachate treatment described in Hangu District Solid Waste Treatment Plant Feasibility Study , the paper introduced the production , outflow calculation method and treatment approaches of solid waste leachate .

  4. 2009年11月,国务院正式批复同意天津市调整滨海新区行政区划的建议,同意撤销天津市塘沽区、汉沽区、大港区,成立天津市滨海新区。

    November 2009 , the State Council officially approved the administrative divisions of Tianjin Binhai New Area to adjust the proposal , agreed to delete the Tanggu District , Hangu District , Dagang District , Tianjin Binhai New Area was established .

  5. 根据近期国土局公布的汉沽区土地成交状况,目前汉沽区仍有5块已出让商业用地未建设完成,商业市场的潜在竞争依然非常激烈。

    According to a recent announcement of the Hangu District Land Bureau status of land transactions , in Hangu District , there are five commercial building land which has been selling is not completed currently , potential competition in the commercial market is still very intense .

  6. 结果表明,在所研究区域中,遗传毒性的高风险区主要分布在天津市和塘沽、汉沽两个区。

    In the research area , the higher levels of genotoxicity in soil organic extracts were distributed in the city of Tianjin , as well as in nearby Tanggu and Hangu Districts .