
liú yán
  • rumor;gossip;rumour;floating rumours
流言 [liú yán]
  • [gossip;rumor] 广为流传而无根据或来源的说法

  • 久不相见,闻流言不信。--《礼记.儒行》

  • 散布流言

流言[liú yán]
  1. 一个人听见的流言肯定是从许多人嘴里传出来的。

    A rumour goes in one ear and out many mouths .

  2. 野蛮人部落都有了武器,流言到处乱飞。

    The barbarian tribes were arming , the rumour went ;

  3. 我听到一些流言,但都不确定。

    I 've heard rumours , but nothing definite .

  4. 流言很快被制止了。

    The rumours were quickly quashed .

  5. 首都到处流传着可能发生游行示威的流言。

    The capital is buzzing with rumours of possible demonstrations .

  6. 他们散布一些有关她的流言,企图贬低她的工作。

    They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work

  7. 整个早上流言在各工作间传来传去。

    Rumours had been flying around the workrooms all morning

  8. 格雷厄姆试图平息有关不满情绪日益强烈的流言。

    Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent .

  9. 整个好莱坞顿时流言四起。

    Hollywood soon became rife with rumors .

  10. 有流言说她是一个不正经的姑娘。

    Gossip had it that she was a bad girl .

  11. 我听到一点儿关于你朋友的流言。

    I heard a bit of scandal about your friend .

  12. 流言止于智者。

    Rumours find no credence with a wise man .

  13. 一个众所周知但并不准确的关于茱莉亚·查尔德的故事也许造成了这个食物流言。

    A well-known , but inaccurate , story about Julia Child may have contributed to this food myth .

  14. 很多流言流传着。

    There 're a lot of rumors7 going around .

  15. 她将这个流言传遍全镇。

    She broadcast the gossip all over the town .

  16. 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

    The difference between libel and asperse is that libel is printed while slander is spoken .

  17. 如果流言传出去,他们要和party说再见了

    If rumors start flying , these boys can kiss campouts and pool parties goodbye .

  18. 基于流言机制的adhoc网络声誉传播与收敛

    Reputation Propagation and Agreement in Ad Hoc Networks Based on Gossiping

  19. 结构化P2P网络中基于流言传播的负载均衡

    Load balance based on rumor mongering in structured P2P networks

  20. 芝加哥一家公关公司EmpowerPublicRelations在全公司范围禁止传播流言,并自2007年来开除了三名违反禁令的员工。

    In Chicago , Empower Public Relations issued a company-wide ban on gossip , firing three employees who violated the policy in2007 .

  21. 我会告诉你一周最新鲜的资讯,流言,小贴士,甚至是告诉你什么是最差的Apple产品。

    I 'll give you the latest news , rumors , tips , apps of the week , and even call out the bad Apples .

  22. 流言和错误的信息充斥农村社区,那里象Sam一样的男人实际上不能获得卫生信息。

    Myths and misinformation abound in rural communities where men like Sam have virtually no access to health information .

  23. Seam没有很快流行的另一个原因是关于这种框架的某些流言使Java开发人员没能认识到它的直接优点。

    Another reason Seam 's adoption has been slow is that certain myths about the framework have kept Java developers from recognizing its immediate benefits .

  24. 在另外一个单独的测试中,《流言终结者》小队发现如果Jack在水里呆着超过一小时,他就会体温过低被冻死。

    In a separate test the ' Mythbusters ' team found that had Jack remained in the water for over an hour he would have died from hypothermia .

  25. 只差一次内部爆炸便足以同三月份的BEARSTEARNS相媲美,不管怎么说,时间不会让流言成真。

    Short of an implosion to rival that of Bear Stearns in March , however , the rumours are unlikely to become real deals for the time being .

  26. 虽然只是个坊间流言,但娱乐在线却证实了这一消息,并补充说Chuck是造成分手的元凶。

    This has been a rumor for sometime but E ! could confirm the news , adding that the culprit in the split is Chuck .

  27. 它深受JamesJoyce(詹姆斯·乔伊斯)杰作的影响,叙述了昏睡的海滨小镇在24小时内的梦想与流言,以及它渐渐苏醒的时刻。

    Heavily influenced by James Joyce 's masterpiece , it recounts the dreams , gossip and waking hours of the sleepy seaside village over a period of24 hours .

  28. 现在的流言是华纳试图从这个早年在陆地上建立起的独立资本集团花旗手中买下EMI。

    The scuttlebutt now is that Warner will try to buy EMI from Citigroup , which seized it earlier this year from Terra Firma , another private-equity firm .

  29. 我们已经看过许许多多关于iPhone8的泄露和流言了,而且在它正式公布(大概是九月份的某个时候)之前还会继续听到更多的流言。

    We have seen a lot of leaks and rumors for the iPhone 8 and will continue to hear about it till the phone gets launched officially - probably sometime in September .

  30. 经过许多的猜测与流言,一个索尼的高层终于承认一个重新设计的PSP正在进行中。

    After all the rumors and speculation , a Sony exec has finally gone on record to say that a redesigned version of Sony 's PSP handheld is in the works .