
chuán rǎn xìnɡ ruǎn yóu
  • molluscum contagiosum
  1. 结果:斑秃治愈率为33.3%,扁平疣为35%,寻常疣及跖疣分别达56%及66%,传染性软疣为41.8%。DNCB免疫疗法对某些免疫有关疾病如化脓性疾患获得意想不到的疗效。

    Results : The cure rate of alopecia areata was 33.3 % , verruca plana 35 % , verruca vulgaris and verruca plantaris 56 % and 66 % , molluscum contagiosum 41.8 % and the effect to other immuno-related suppurative diseases was sometimes very excellent .

  2. 报告1例传染性软疣伴发表皮囊肿。

    A case of molluscum contagiosum occurring in epidermal cyst is reported .

  3. 目的构建传染性软疣病毒(MCV)MC148基因腺病毒重组粘粒。

    Objective To construct recombinant cosmid vector pAxCAwt MC148 from the MC148 gene of molluscum contangiosum virus ( MCV ) .

  4. 喉部传染性软疣的临床特征

    Clinical characteristic of molluscum contagiosum of the larynx

  5. 传染性软疣682例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on 682 Cases of Molluscum Contagiosum

  6. 目的减轻传染性软疣患者治疗中的痛苦。

    Objective To reduce the pains and the sufferings during the treatment for the infectivity molluscum .

  7. 传染性软疣的治疗方法多且简单传染性软疣一般用局部疗法即可。

    The remedial method of contagious soft wart is much and soft wart uses simple infectivity commonly local therapeutics can .

  8. 由于传染性软疣病损比较表浅,治愈后一般不会留疤痕。

    Because infectivity is soft verrucous ill caustic is expressed quite shallow , scar mark won 't leave commonly after curing .

  9. 中药表面麻醉液外涂治疗传染性软疣60例

    Clinical Obervation on the Use of Superficial Anaesthesia Solution in Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of 60 Cases of Infectivity Molluscum

  10. 喉部传染性软疣是一种病毒性传染病,通过接触传播,经组织病理检查确诊,治疗效果满意。

    Molluscum contagrosum is a kind of virus communicable disease . They are caused by the spread of touch . Pathological examination can be diagnose .

  11. 结果其中50例寻常疣,8例传染性软疣,42例皮赘,5例线状表皮痣,6例粟丘疹治愈率均为100%,无1例复发。

    Results There are 50 cases of common verrucosis , 8 infectious verrucosis , 4 skin neoplasm , 5 linear verrucosis , nevus , 6 papular eruption ( chestnut color ) . The curative effect by red-hot needle is 100 % . No return of pain can be found .