
  1. 传统育种是以个体表型值为依据进行选择的,称为表型值选择(PS)。

    Selection in traditional breeding is based on phenotypic value , called phenotypic value selection ( PS ) .

  2. CIMMYT正在使用它的传统育种和遗传工程项目两方面的发现。

    CIMMYT is using its findings in both traditional breeding and genetic engineering programmes .

  3. 以分子标记辅助选择为核心的多基因聚合育种技术能直接在DNA水平上对产奶性状的基因型进行选择,克服了传统育种方法准确性低的问题,可显著加快遗传进展,提高育种效率。

    Multigene pyramiding breeding technology centering on molecular marker-assisted selection could select genotypes of milk production traits in DNA level . It overcomes the disadvantage of low accuracy of conventional breeding technology , accelerates genetic progress and improves breeding efficiency .

  4. 回顾了中国马氏珠母贝(Pinctadamartensii)遗传育种的历史,介绍了最新的研究进展以及传统育种方法与现代生物技术结合的情况,展望了马氏珠母贝遗传改良的前景。

    The paper briefly reviewed the history of genetic breeding of the pearl oyster ( Pinctada martensii ) in China . It provided an update on recent developments in classical genetic breeding and modern biotechnical approaches .

  5. 传统育种和转OXO、几丁质酶基因、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因等虽然可以在一定程度上提高油菜抗菌核病的能力,但由于缺乏有效的抗源材料,油菜抗菌核病育种一直未取得实质性进展。

    Though traditional breeding strategies and transformation of OXO , chitinase and β - 1 , 3-glucanase genes could advance S sclerotiorum resistance for Brassica napus partly , the S sclerotiorum resistant breeding has still not made substantial progress because of absence of resistant resources .

  6. 标记辅助选择技术的发展能极大地缩短传统育种的进程。

    The development of Mark-assisted selection shorted the time of traditional breeding .

  7. 毫无疑问,传统育种不应该被忽略。

    Certainly , the value of conventional breeding should not be overlooked .

  8. 植物育种家已经成功地利用传统育种方法培育出高铁水稻。

    Plant breeders have had some success with traditional breeding methods to produce high-iron rice .

  9. 长期以来,主要采用传统育种方法培育新品种。

    People have been using conventional breeding method to cultivate new breeds for a long time .

  10. 但是黄瓜种内抗性材料缺乏,传统育种很难获得突破。

    However , conventional breeding is difficult to obtain breakthrough for the lack of resistant materials .

  11. 未来的蔬菜育种将是传统育种与生物技术的有机结合,为人类创造出更优良的品种。

    Combination of conventional breeding with modern biotechnology will greatly enhance variety improvement in the future .

  12. 进入上世纪八十年代以后,利用传统育种对小麦遗传改良的进展明显放缓了。

    The progress of wheat genetic improvement by the traditional method has been slowed down since 1980s .

  13. 传统育种与转基因技术孰优孰劣

    Conventional breeding versus GM technology

  14. 由于其独特的生物学特性,传统育种手段的应用受到严重制约。

    But the application of P. edulis was restricted by its biological characteristics and the traditional breeding methods .

  15. 随着人们生活水平的普遍提高,纺织机械的更新以及技术的改进,急需对棉花的纤维品质进行改良,传统育种方法对棉花纤维品质的改良已经渐渐不能满足要求。

    The traditional breeding methods have already can 't meet the needs to the improvement of cotton fiber quality .

  16. 荠蓝是一种新型油料作物,是通过现代生物技术与传统育种技术相结合,培育出的高产优质油料作物新品种。

    Camelina sativa is a new oil crop , which was obtained by modern biological and traditional breeding technologies .

  17. 重要的是应该放到传统育种技术的环境中来考虑利用转基因技术。

    It is important that the use of GM technology should be considered in the context of conventional breeding techniques .

  18. 而且,最终还需要传统育种手段把铁蛋白基因从粳稻中转入最高产的籼稻品种中。

    Moreover , conventional breeding is ultimately required to transfer the ferritin gene from japonica to high-yielding indica rice varieties .

  19. 利用传统育种手段可以改良水稻的品质农艺性状,但缺点是育种周期长见效慢。

    We can improve multiple traits of rice by conventional breeding approaches , but it cause long cycle and low efficient .

  20. 在进行传统育种之前,了解各个品种之间的关系能够提高杂交的成功率,因此是非常重要的一步。

    Prior to conventional breeding it is important to know the genetic relationships among the cultivars that may increase success rate in hybridization .

  21. 由于它们在创造新的基因型方面有其独特的作用,因而已成为传统育种技术的重要补充和发展,人们可以在一定范围内根据意愿来改造植物的一些性状。

    Because it is creating new genotype containing its special function , it has become the important supplement and development for traditional breeding tech.

  22. 基因工程技术在观赏植物花色育种上可弥补传统育种技术的缺陷,因此它在花色育种方面的研究和应用发展迅速。

    For its advantages over traditional breeding technologies , genetic engineering has made a rapid progress in flower color breeding of ornamental plants .

  23. 其原因是多方面的,受限于传统育种方法是主要原因之一。

    There are a lot of reasons for this . The limit of the traditional breeding method is one of the main reasons .

  24. 传统育种需要让自然突变而非诱变的植物杂交从而寻找优秀的性状,这可能至多需要10年时间。

    Conventional breeding involves crossbreeding plants that have spontaneous rather than induced mutations for desirable traits , which can take up to ten years .

  25. 转基因作物的反对者有时候会提出,用现代科技对传统育种技巧进行改造,也能够实现类似的效果。

    Opponents of genetic crop modification sometimes point out that similar results can be achieved by applying modern technology to conventional plant breeding techniques .

  26. 为缩短银杏童期,果树工作者进行了大量的研究,从栽培方式,传统育种方法进行了探索,但成效不大。

    To shorten Ginkgo juvenile period , numerous studies on its culture and conventional breeding technology has been done , but success is very little .

  27. 近百年来,国内外主要依靠传统育种方法,即常规的有性杂交育种,使小麦的产量潜力和品质得到不断提高。

    Great achievements have been made in both yield and quality improvement by the traditional breeding method , i.e. , crossing , since last century .

  28. 但是,耐旱性是复杂的数量性状且需要特殊的环境才能被鉴定,因此传统育种方法进行耐旱性遗传改良的效率不高。

    However , conventional selection for drought tolerance is inefficient because that drought tolerance is a complicated quantitative trait and required special environment to identify .

  29. 随着分子标记的应用与发展,可以作为一种有效辅助手段,提高传统育种效率,为玉米抗旱性育种带来新的途径。

    With the development and application of molecular markers , MAS ( molecular assistant selection ) supply a useful tool to the breeding for drought tolerance .

  30. 探讨了传统育种和现代育种在花卉育种进程中的特点、成就以及相互之间的关系。

    The characteristics and achievement are taken into consideration on the traditional breeding and the modern breeding , and also their relations during the ornamental breeding .