
  • 网络green coffee
  1. 3月22日,星巴克推出了一款含果汁和绿咖啡萃取物的混合饮料,名字叫StarbucksRefreshers(星巴克清爽饮料)。这款饮料将会推出三种不同的口味,现在已经可以在部分区域购买到。

    Starbucks unveiled a new energy drink line March 22 , 2012 . Starbucks Refreshers , available now in select areas , come in three different flavors and are made with fruit juice and green coffee extract .

  2. 星巴克称,除了含有果汁外,这款碳酸饮料还加入了绿咖啡的萃取物,但不会有咖啡的味道。一罐12盎司(约为340克)的饮料热量是60大卡。

    In addition to fruit juice , the carbonated drink uses green coffee extract , but has no coffee taste . The 12-ounce cans contain 60 calories , Starbucks said in a press release .

  3. 整个五月份,你在绿咖啡购买任何咖啡类产品,当中有5RMB会用来给洪都拉斯咖啡农,实现他们的公平贸易梦!

    In May , any coffee item you consume in the Green Room , 5RMB will go to support the coffee farmers in Honduras , to accomplish their dream of joining Fair Trade Family .

  4. 在苏州,绿咖啡就是上述的绿房间,您可以在这里稍作休息,在平静而又充满绿色的环境中享受片刻的悠然和宁静。

    In Suzhou , The Green Room is a health food caf é where visitors can rest within a peaceful , green environment .

  5. 但不要忘记,他去年曾被美国参议院的一个委员会传唤,要求他对自己在电视上大肆吹捧绿咖啡豆萃取物、树莓酮,以及其他流行减肥补剂的言论作出解释。

    But don 't forget that he was called before a United States Senate panel last year to explain his on-air gushing about green coffee extract , raspberry ketones and other faddish weight-loss supplements .

  6. 绿山咖啡出售Keurig品牌的单杯咖啡机,而星巴克对这项业务一直虎视眈眈。

    Green mountain sells the Keurig brand of single-serve coffee makers , a business that Starbucks is aiming to conquer .

  7. 去年第四季度星巴克的利润大跌69%,但佛蒙特绿山咖啡烘焙公司的收益却上涨了56%。

    But while the powerhouse 's profits fell 69 percent in the fourth quarter of last year , revenue at Vermont 's Green Mountain Coffee Roasters climbed 56 percent .

  8. 位于佛蒙特州的绿山咖啡去年总收入为36亿美元,和帮助465亿美元的可口可乐公司实现复兴相比,他在绿山咖啡将会面临更艰巨的挑战。

    At Vermont-based green mountain , which brought in revenue of $ 3.6 billion last year , he may be moving to an even tougher challenge than the revival of $ 46.5 billion Coca-Cola .

  9. 林塞·博尔捷,美国绿山咖啡烘焙公司的首席采购,在谈及“卡斯蒂罗”能否担任恢复产量重任时,形容咖啡产业对此是“如坐针毡”。事实上,“卡斯蒂罗”做到了。

    Lindsey Bolger , head coffee buyer for Keurig Green Mountain , a roaster in the United States , said the industry was " on pins and needles " about whether the Castillo would work .