
  • 网络House for the aged
  1. 美国老年人住宅的发展动向

    The development trend of the residences for the elders in USA

  2. 中小城市老年人住宅建设之我见

    On the Residential Architecture for Elderly People in the Town

  3. 老年人住宅室内装修设计要点

    Main Points of Interior Decoration Design for the Aged Housing

  4. 谈老年人住宅室内装修需注意的问题

    On advertent problems in indoor fitment for the old

  5. 老年人住宅问题探讨

    Research on the Problem of the Old People Residence

  6. 老龄化社会老年人住宅设计探讨

    Discussion about Elderly Residential Style in Aging Society

  7. 浅谈无障碍设计在老年人住宅居住环境中的重要性

    A Brief Introduction on the Importance of Universal Design in Senior Citizens ' House Environment

  8. 突然之间,老年人住宅市场吸引到了大量具有机构投资者水平的资金投入。

    Suddenly , the world of senior housing is attracting huge amounts of institutional-quality investment .

  9. 城市老年人住宅建筑研究

    Study for the Urban Elderly Housing

  10. 中国老年人住宅的设计构想

    Interior Design for the Elderly Chinese

  11. 老年人住宅问题初探

    The Preliminary Study of Aged House

  12. 随着社会的发展,对老年人住宅的需求日益增加。

    With the development of the society , the need of senior citizens building becomes increasingly pronounced .

  13. 老年人住宅室外环境的无障碍设计

    Outdoor Design for Old People

  14. 老年人住宅设计探讨

    Discussion on Elder Housing Design

  15. 随着老年人住宅的快速发展,老年人住宅设计变得日益重要。

    With rapid development of elder housing , design of such housing is getting more and more important .

  16. 文章探讨了老年人住宅的形式、老年人住宅的室内外环境设计及无障碍设计。

    The article gives discus-sion on pattern , indoor and outdoor environment design and barrier-free design of elder housing .

  17. 城市老年人的住宅卫生间环境研究

    Research on Environment of Toilet of House for Aged Lived in City

  18. 人口老龄化对住宅需求影响日益显现,对老年人的住宅需求应给与更多重视。

    An aging population increasingly impact on housing demand , housing needs of the elderly should be given more attention .

  19. 论文意在通过对适宜老年人的住宅设计的研究,希望能为即将大量出现的老年居住环境的设计与研究提供一点启示。

    Through the study on the house for the aged , the thesis hopes to enlighten the forthcoming design and research of house for the aged .

  20. 适合中国老年人使用的住宅内无障碍设施设计研究

    Study on the Barrier-Free Design of the Furniture for the Chinese Aging People

  21. 国内外的实践也表明,创造适宜老年人居住的住宅,促进和完善家庭养老比大力推进社会养老具有更普遍、更积极的意义。

    The domestic and international fulfillments prove that promoting to develop the house for the aged has more widespread , more positive meaning .

  22. 老年人是旧住宅区公共活动空间的使用主体,通过对老年人的特征及需求的分析,总结出了适宜老年人使用的公共活动空间的基本特征。

    The elderly is main users of old residential public space . Through the characteristics and needs of the elderly analysis summarized the basic features of public space which used for the elderly .

  23. 需要为老年人提供更多的住宅。

    More housing is needed for old people .

  24. “三代同堂”住宅,对解决我国目前城市青年和老年两辈人的住宅问题,具有重要的现实意义。

    According to the needs of mordern life style , it is of important practical significance to the solution of present housing problem of both old and young generations .

  25. 本文在分析国内老年住宅的现实需求和发展前景的前提下,指出适宜老年人的住宅是解决我国老年人居住生活问题的现实对策。

    This thesis points out the house for the aged is a solution to the problem of the aged in our country under the precondition of analyzing the need and future of house market for the aged .