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lǎo běn
  • original capital;principal;capital;last stake;old edition
老本 [lǎo běn]
  • (1) [last stake;capital;principal]∶最初的本钱,也比喻老资历

  • 把老本输光

  • (2) [old edition]∶老的版本

老本[lǎo běn]
  1. 他不做生意光吃老本。

    He does no business but lives on his capital .

  2. 但在我自己看来,我明显是在吃老本。

    But to myself it was clear that I was living on capital .

  3. 印度这些公司在过去也因顾客业绩不佳而受困,但都克服了。BT是英国的一家电话公司,过去是一家很大的顾客,但是现在也只是靠老本维持了。

    The Indian firms have survived the decline of clients before : BT Group , a British phone company that used to be a big customer , is now but a shadow of its former self .

  4. 谷歌公司近期的几项措施包括涉足在线应用程序的举措以及去年互联网浏览器的推出似乎在故意对微软的老本办公室应用程序套件和IE互联网浏览器发起冲击。

    Several recent initiatives from Google including its move into online applications and its launch last year of an internet browser have looked suspiciously like deliberate attacks on Microsoft strongholds : the Office suite of applications and Internet Explorer .

  5. 至少这些国家足够富裕,拿得出老本。

    At least these countries are rich enough to make such provision .

  6. 这还没有促使他们把苏联的老本拿来孤注一掷。

    This did not yet tempt them to adventures staking Soviet assets .

  7. 不会让你赔老本的价格。

    Prices that won 't take you to the cleaners .

  8. 这个公司看起来将来要赔老本。

    The financial future of the company looks rather insecure .

  9. 为什么高通要从移动这个老本行上突然转型呢?

    Why the sudden shift away from its mobile roots ?

  10. 但中国股市投资者却正在赔老本。

    Instead , Chinese equity investors are losing their shirts .

  11. 你应该继续努力学习而不能吃老本。

    You should go on studying instead of resting on your laurels .

  12. 我们决不能够吃老本。

    There is simply no way to rest on our past achievements .

  13. 并非他们自己的过错,赔掉了老本。

    From no fault of their own , they lost all their money .

  14. 然而,将是一个错误吃老本。

    However , it would be a mistake to rest on our laurels .

  15. 我想老本鲍旅馆已经化为灰烬了。

    I 'm afraid the old Benbow lnn has burned to the ground .

  16. 一个可以让我们在两周内赚足老本的计划。

    A plan that could see us all retired within the next two weeks .

  17. 看来我们再也不能靠吃老本过日子了。

    It seems that we can no longer afford to rest on our laurels .

  18. 不但没有证券市场上赢得利润,反而赔了老本。

    Not only gain was not won on security market , instead compensate capital .

  19. 我们要是没整天坐在这吃老本就好了。

    It would help if we didn 't sit around all day drinking the stock .

  20. 重新捡起老本行真是对它过去三十年业绩猛增的绝大讽刺。

    The return to form is a direct rebuke to the previous 30 years of growth .

  21. 但她不吃老本,早已有了未来的宏伟计划。

    Instead of coasting on her success , she already has big plans for the future .

  22. 兰德公司指出,没有证据表明美国正在吃老本。

    There is little evidence that America is resting on its laurels , according to RAND .

  23. 人们也总是期望上层阶级会吃祖先的老本。

    The upper classes , too , were always expected to leech off their ancestors ' capital .

  24. 这一次,传统科技公司恐怕难以依赖老旧的业务吃老本。

    This time , the legacy players won 't survive by relying on their old lines of businesses .

  25. 不到8个月后,这些利润连同该公司的其它老本化为了尘土。

    Within eight months , those profits - and the rest of the firm - had turned to dust .

  26. 要想让美好时光得以延续,各国领导层应该调整重点,不再吃老本,而是要为未来进行再投资。

    For the good times to continue , leaders should re-focus from spending the dividend to reinvesting for the future .

  27. 卡拉汉先生警告说,如果我们卖北海的资源,那我们就是在卖老本。

    Mr Callaghan warned that if we sold our assets in the North sea , we would be eating the seedcorn .

  28. 那个工党候选人失去了老本(未得到最低获选票数)。

    The labour candidate lost his deposit , ie did not obtain the minimum number of votes necessary in an election .

  29. 【解释】老本就是最开始时的投资,比喻原来的资历、绩、献和能力等。

    Lao Ben is your starting capital , here is used as a metaphor for your past qualifications , achievements and capabilities .

  30. 不管你在做什么,别妄想你能够吃老本,势头要靠不间断的工作来保持。

    No matter what you 're managing , don 't assume you can glide by . Momentum is something you have to work at to maintain .