
  • 网络old beijing;old peking
  1. ABC电影院正在上映老北京的故事。

    Tales of Old Beijing at ABC Cinema .

  2. 老北京城作为人类历史文化遗产,需要进行整体保护。

    Old Beijing as a human cultural heritage needs whole protection .

  3. 想领略道地老北京的生活吗?

    Would like to enjoy the authentic old Beijing life ?

  4. 老北京狭窄的街巷叫什么?

    What is the narrow alley in old Beijing called in Chinese ?

  5. 他们给了你一个新北京,就让老北京消亡了。

    They give you a new Beijing and let the old one die .

  6. 紫禁城位于老北京的中轴线上。

    The Forbidden City is located on the central axis of old Beijing .

  7. 追忆老北京的节令玩具

    A review of seasonal toys in old Beijing

  8. 老北京的余味

    The lasting impression of old Beijing

  9. 奥巴马的老北京之行包括游览长城和故宫。

    Obama 's tour of old Beijing will include the Great Wall and the Forbidden City .

  10. 如果你想逛逛老北京的胡同,坐三轮车是再合适不过了。

    Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing .

  11. 如今,如果你对老北京的历史民俗有兴趣的话,那么一定要去天桥走一走。

    Nowadays , you must go to Tianqiao if you are interested in Chinese traditional art .

  12. 即使是那些老于世故的老北京、老上海人,也对他们敏锐的商业嗅觉望而生畏。

    Even the sophisticated residents of Shanghai and Beijing are somewhat in awe of their business acumen .

  13. 老北京新北京

    Old Beijing New Beijing

  14. 这家酒店擅长烹饪精致的老北京菜肴,并用其它地区的一些菜肴进行补充。

    The restaurant specialises in refined versions of old-fashioned Beijing dishes , augmented by some from other regions .

  15. 几乎所有的人都知道大栅栏这个勾起老北京买卖人心酸回忆的地方。

    Almost all the people know the great Palisade that reminds the peking businessmen of the heart-rending past .

  16. 这种交通流模式和老北京城传统道路模式有冲突。

    This pattern of traffic flow is at conflict with the traditional street pattern of the Old City .

  17. 芝麻酱凉面是老北京的地道小吃,只需要一些佐料的简单混合即可制成。

    Sesame paste cold noodles is the traditional Beijing style dish that uses a much simpler combination of ingredients .

  18. 在王看来,这个规定强调了保护老北京的重要性,因此他决定也要为此做出自己的贡献。

    For Wang , this regulation highlighted the importance of protecting old Beijing and made him want to do his part .

  19. 除了北海公园富丽堂皇的装饰之外,其它饭店将现代设计与老北京印象不可思议地结合了起来。

    Outside the spectacular setting of Beihai Park , other restaurants combine modern design with a magical evocation of old Beijing .

  20. 在老北京的胡同里,有许多从民间滋生的玩具,陪伴着一茬又一茬孩子度过快乐的童年。

    Generation after generation of children spent their childhood in the hutongs of old Beijing , playing with unique folk toys .

  21. 我们舒适,温馨,具有老北京气息的商店会令您全身心放松,得到身体的复苏。

    Our cozy shop with its warm and homely old Beijing atmosphere will surely soothe your soul and revitalize your body .

  22. 想要了解的话,还是得自己进去走走,看看真正的老北京吧。

    If you want to know more , you should step into hutong to have a view of the real old Beijing .

  23. 随着政治、经济、社会文化的历史变迁,老北京城的京味文化也有一个发展、变化和逐渐淡化的过程。

    With the changes of political , economic and cultural environment , Beijing-style city culture also proceeded through evolvement of development , changing and fading .

  24. 老北京仿佛得到了重生,天下第一城即再现了历史又跨越了历史。

    Old Beijing seems to have been born again , the best in the world that represents the history of the city and across history .

  25. 京剧是老北京风俗,从清朝延续到现在,是中国的国翠。

    The Peking opera is the old Beijing custom , continues from the Qing Dynasty to the present , is China 's country green jade .

  26. 而且,保存老北京城和扩张现代城总存在着矛盾.

    What 's more , there seems always conflict existing between the preservation of the hold Beijing city and the expansion of the modern town .

  27. 1980年秋天,第一届美国国家展在北京动物园旁边的老北京展览馆举行。

    In the fall of1980 , the first US National Exhibition in China was held at the old Beijing Exhibition Hall next to the Beijing zoo .

  28. 我爱老北京的传统烹饪,同时麻辣口味地区的菜肴在近年也开始流行起来:四川,湖南和湖北。

    I love traditional Beijing cuisine , but also the spicy regional cuisines that have become popular in recent years : Sichuan , Hunan and Hubei .

  29. 这部话剧完全围绕一个茶馆展开,但却为我们深入展现了老北京社会各方面的画面。

    The play is set entirely around a teahouse , but it provides us with an insightful picture of all the dimensions in old Beijing society .

  30. 这里是您缓解体力、放松心情、享受生活的最佳选择,也是您了解老北京文化、感受古都神韵、领略天桥民风的首选之地。

    Rainbow is your best choice of relaxing and enjoying yourself , and it 's also the very first place to get in touch with Beijing traditional culture .