
  • 网络South West;SOUTHWEST;southwest China
  1. 即西南区、西区和东北区,它们受盆地周边古陆控制,搬运距离比较远。

    South West , West and Northeast , the ancient land of the basin surrounding control , removal from a distance .

  2. 结果南部沿海区、南中部区和西南区的中小学生生活质量状况差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。

    Results There were statistical significance in quality of life of the students among the south coast , the mid-south and the southwest ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 对于那些通过传统途径出售房子的夫妇,交易过程可能仍充满紧张气氛,汉普顿国际伦敦中部和西南区销售主管菲尔·特南特(PhilTennant)说。

    For those couples who sell their property using the traditional route , the process can still be fraught with tension , according to Phil Tennant , regional sales director for central and south-west London at Hamptons International .

  4. 他是斯塔福德郡西南区的保守党专职工作人员。

    He works as full-time conservative party agent for Southwest staffordshire .

  5. 他在卡尔加里的西南区长大。

    He grew up in the south western part of calgary .

  6. 西南区的河流特征与水资源

    Features and water resources of rivers in the southwest region

  7. 中国区域发展资源环境基础支撑能力动态评价&以西南区为例

    Evaluation of Regional Resource-Environment Base Supportability : The Case of Southwest China

  8. 西南区桑树倍数体的研究

    The studies ploidy of on the mulberry of Southwest Region

  9. 五份西南区野生马蹄金耐荫性及光合特性研究

    Study on Shade-tolerance and Photosynthesis Characteristic of 5 Native Dichondra Repens Forst . in Southwest of China

  10. 中国西部黄金产量分布很不均匀,西北区优于西南区。

    The distribution of gold production in Northwest China has a clear superiority to that of Southwest China .

  11. 柴达木盆地柴西南区碎屑岩储层形成的主控因素分析

    Analysis of the Main Controlling Factors on the Formation of Clastic Reservoirs in the Southwestern Area of the Qaidam Basin

  12. 武汉东湖西南区外源污染调查与评价中原石化污染源现状调查及对策研究

    Exotic pollution load analysis of south-west zone in Wuhan East Lake Research on the Current Situation of Pollution Sources and Its Countermeasure in ZPC

  13. 至于蒸发量的变化,东北区具有增加趋势,华北区、西北东部和西南区有减少趋势。

    Evaporation has an increasing trend in Northeast region , while , a decreasing trend in North China and the eastern part of Northwest and Southwest regions .

  14. 西南区群落物种丰富度指数依次为白梭梭群落>梭梭群落>盐穗木群落;

    In the southwest area , the species richness indices of plant communities are successively from high to low Ass. Haloxylon persicum > Ass. Haloxylon ammodendron > Ass.

  15. 此外,科昆虫在中国的一个主要分布特点就是多数种类集中分布于华中区、华南区和西南区;

    Moreover , t he main distribution character of Chinese Perlidae is that most of the species distribute Central China region , South China region and Southwest China region .

  16. 西南区的主体等级(10~25%)在西北区只占8.76%,西北区植被退化严重。

    10-25 % is main cover grade of southwest and accounts for 8.76 % of the northwest area . This images that vegetation of the northwest area is serious degeneration .

  17. 西南区野生马蹄金坪用景观价值评价与抗寒性研究不同遮荫强度对西南地区野生马蹄金形态特征的影响

    Evaluating the Turf Landscape Quality and Study on Cold Resistance of Native Dichondra Repens in the Southwest of China ; Shade Intensity on Morphological Charateristics of Wild Dichondra repens of Southwest China

  18. 大多数农用林生态系统虽然它们的初始成本很高,但由于收益很高,所以净成本是比较低的,特别是在南方区、西南区,在华北也比较低。

    For most of the agroforestry systems the net costs are low , especially in the south , the southwest , and the north of China , though their initial investments are high .

  19. 本文考察了西南区夏季(5~8月)降水距平分布与太平洋海温场的统计相关,认为与冬季太平洋海温场存在三个显著相关区;

    Based on the analyses of the statistical correlation between precipitation anomaly distribution in summer over the south - west China and the Pacific sea surface temperature field , three remarkable correlation areas are obtained .

  20. 通过天然气烷烃气组分以及碳、氢同位素特征分析研究认为,该区主要为煤层气通过垂向运移形成富集,西南区烃源岩演化程度要高于东北区源岩演化程度。

    The results of gas component and carbon and hydrogen isotope show that coal gas migrated vertically and formed the gas accumulation . The maturity of resource rock in southwest is stronger than the one in northeast .

  21. 世纪佳缘交友网西南区总监张国玉说,15000名女性报名参加他们公司5月1日举行的活动,争夺与一名富翁的相亲机会。

    Fifteen thousand women applied for a chance to date a wealthy man at an event May1 organized by matchmaking website jiayuan . com , says Zhang Guoyu , director of the company 's Southwest China branch .

  22. 年净减少量较大的区域有西北区、中部区和西南区,分别占全国总量的23.9%、22.2%和19.5%。

    The ratio of the net decrease of the cultivated area between the region and the country was 23.9 % for the Northwest Region , 22.2 % for the middle part region and 19.5 % for the Southwest Region .

  23. 这张地图将英国43.4万名公务员按任职地理位置归入四大付薪地区:西南区、南部沿海区、威尔士区、以及中西部大部分地区和薪水最低的东北区。

    The plans put the country 's 434,000 civil servants into four geographical pay zones , with those living in the south-west , on the south coast , Wales , much of the Midlands and the north-east earning least .

  24. 这张“地图”将英国43.4万名公务员按任职地理位置归入四大“付薪地区”:西南区、南部沿海区、威尔士区、以及中西部大部分地区和薪水最低的东北区。

    The plans put the country 's 434000 civil servants into four geographical pay zones , with those living in the south-west , on the south coast , Wales , much of the Midlands and the north-east earning least .

  25. 依据血红蛋白正常参考值与地理因素的依赖关系把中国分为青藏区、西南区、西北区、东南区、华北区、东北区等六个区。

    Taking the altitude as the main dividing basis and considering effects of other geographical factors and population distribution , China can be divided into six regions : Qingzang , Southwest , Northwest , Southeast , North and Northeast region .

  26. 房价分布还存在明显区域性,东北、西南区楼盘密集且房价较高,西边、东边项目分散,且价格偏低。

    It appears a regional housing distribution , In the Northeast , Southwest , the real estate is intensive , and prices are much higher ; in the west , and east , Real estate is distributed and the prices are low .

  27. 用因子分析研究成矿元素的异常组合规律,指出测区西南异常区为Au、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag组合异常,是矿致异常;

    It is shown that the southwest anomaly region is the composite anomaly of Au , Cu , Pb , Zn and Ag and belongs to one ore-caused anomaly ;

  28. 中国及其西南邻区新生代NW向扭动构造体系的成生发展和形成机制

    Mechanism and ownership of tectonic domain of the Cenozoic NW-trending shear tectonic system in China and its south west adjacent area

  29. 结果表明:川西南烟区土壤有效Cu、Fe、Mn含量较丰富和极其丰富,有效Zn含量较大面积上缺乏,整个烟区有效B极其缺乏。

    The results show that in the tobacco soils in Southwest Sichuan , available Cu , Fe , and Mn are quite rich . Most of the soils are deficient in available Zn .

  30. 我国西南烟区桃蚜Myzuspersicae(Sulzer)的抗药性水平

    Studies on the resistance level of Myzus persicae ( Sulzer ) in main tobacco regions of southwestern China