
xī shì
  • Western style
西式 [xī shì]
  • [western style] 西洋人用的东西的样式

西式[xī shì]
  1. 他穿着一套西式服装。

    He is wearing a western style suit .

  2. 西式火腿肠滚揉和斩拌温度的控制

    Temperature control of mixing and mincing western style hams

  3. 大约10%的日本青少年超重。营养学家指出主要原因是对西式快餐越来越依赖。

    About 10 % of Japanese teenagers are overweight . Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food .

  4. 这个新设计融合了中西式的优点。

    The new design compromises the merits of Chinese and Western styles .

  5. 我们在eBay上购买老旧的西式毛皮外套,然后重新改装。

    We bought vintage Western fur coats from eBay and remade them .

  6. 澳大利亚拥有让人羡慕的西式资本主义经济,其个人平均GDP等同于西欧四大经济强国。

    Australia has an enviable Western-style capitalist economy , with a per capita GDP on par with the four dominant West European economies .

  7. 干预组小学生在外就餐频度、饮奶频度、摄食西式快餐频度和早餐食物的种类四种饮食行为干预前后差异具有统计学意义(P均小于0.01)。

    Intervention group students eating out frequency , the frequency of drinking milk , eating Western-style fast-food frequency and types of breakfast food before and after intervention were statistically significant differences ( P0.01 ) .

  8. 结论只有在西式糕点生产过程中运用HACCP原理,才能有效的保证食品卫生质量。

    Conclusion Utilizing the appropriate measure of HACCP will effectively ensure the hygienic quality and safety of western - style cake .

  9. 竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)在唯新西式灌肠中的应用

    Application of AOB ( Antioxidant of Bamboo Leaf ) on Weixin Western Sausage

  10. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)2015年的一项调查结果显示,自2012年以来,汽水和西式快餐的消费量下降了五分之一。

    Results from a 2015 survey by McKinsey show that consumption of fizzy drinks and western fast food has fallen a fifth since 2012 .

  11. 中、西式快餐营养素含量与DRIs比较,结果显示其不尽合理。

    Contrasting with DRIs the nutrient content of both Chinese and Western style fast-food was not reasonable .

  12. 体质指数(BMI)影响因素为性别、母亲教育程度、母亲工作情况、西式食品和经常食用豆类食品、甜食、不良饮食习惯、睡眠时间、经常腹泻和自我经济评价中等。

    Sex , the education level of mother , work status of mother , west food , unhealth eating habits , the time of sleep , often diarrhea and self-evaluation of economy were the influencing factors of BMI .

  13. 柳井正1949年出生于山口县(Yamaguchi)的煤炭城市宇部(Ube),他的父母在此经营一家西式服装店。

    He was born in 1949 in the mining town of Ube in Yamaguchi prefecture , where his parents ran a western clothing store .

  14. 上世纪70年代中后期,麦当劳(McDonald's)、肯德基(KFC)等西式快餐连锁店刚刚在香港站稳脚跟,当时对于它们在中国市场发展前景的讨论我至今记忆犹新。

    In the mid to late 1970s , when Western fast food chains like McDonald 's and KFC were just gaining traction in the Hong Kong market , I recall lively debates about their future potential in China .

  15. Majeediyya学校是马尔代夫第一所西式学校,1927年重建。

    The first western-style school in the Maldives is the Majeediyya School , a secondary established in1927 .

  16. 对于中国西式管理教育的老前辈、上海的中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)而言,市场似乎在不断增长中欧国际工商学院的emba项目今年招收了630名学员,明年将有780名学员。

    For CEIBS in Shanghai , the doyen of Western-style management education in China , the market seems to be growing , with 630 students on the CEIBS EMBA programme this year and 780 next .

  17. 结果表明:柚皮提取物的最佳提取条件是:料液比为7:3,柚皮原料在60℃的水浴锅中加热3h,在西式火腿中加入1.6%的该柚皮浸提液对亚硝胺的阻断效果最好。

    The result shows the optimum condition for extraction of citrus grands peel is that the ratio of water and citrus grandis peel is 7:3 in the incubation at 60 ℃ for three hours , and the best adding content is 1.6 % .

  18. CNN特派员景兰:英国外派人士艾许·萧以他的西式打扮而显得出众,但他却是化妆品业未来锁定的目标。诸如Almay、娇韵诗和倩碧等化妆品公司都在全球推出他们的男性美容系列商品。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : British expatriate Ash Shaw sticks out with his western sense of style , but he 's the target of tomorrow as cosmetics companies like Almay , Clarins and Clinique go global with their male beauty lines .

  19. 这座酒庄是与澳大利亚酿酒师兰斯·摩塞尔(LenzMoser)合作经营的,张裕公司在中国各地共建造了六座类似的城堡,希望能够吸引开始享受起西式度假模式的中国中产阶级人士前来,这座酒庄是其中最新的一座。

    Run in partnership with the Austrian winemaker Lenz Moser , it is the latest of six castles that Changyu has built around China to draw middle-class Chinese who have begun to enjoy Western-style vacations .

  20. [方法]对辖区内销售量较大的中、西式快餐进行调查检测,并用SY-2营养膳食分析软件进行处理分析。

    The Chinese and Western fast-food which had a good sale in our district was surveyed and detected . The data were analyzed by using SY-2 nutrition analysis software .

  21. UTTARAKURU是这样一个乐团,它总是把一些新东西放在一起,把颂经、民族乐器、民乐之类的东方音韵和西式音乐磨合在一起。

    UTTARA KURU is a group that put together something new , blending together the sounds of the Orient such as the chanting of the sutras , folk instruments and folk music with the Western type music .

  22. 作为文化飞地的方言区,通过方言表达对差异政治和生活政治的认同,探寻在总体制度内部建立抵抗话语的可能性,这正是詹姆逊所谓的葛兰西式的飞地(enclave)文化斗争模式。

    As the dialect regions of " culture enclaves ", they express identification with politics of difference and life , as well as by using dialects to explore the possibilities of creating discourse of resistance in the total system , which are the mode " conflict of enclave culture " .

  23. 西式肉制品加工环境与卫生管理

    The Processing Condition and Hygienic Management of Western Style Meat Products

  24. 关于意识的现实研究,有中西式的。

    And there are two routes on the research of consciousness .

  25. 鸦片战争前中国的西式建筑概述

    A Brief Introduction of Western Architecture in China before Opium War

  26. 磷酸盐对西式蒸煮火腿质构影响研究

    Effects of phosphates on texture of western - style cooked ham

  27. 酒店里还有舒适的坐椅和西式风格的酒水单。

    It also has comfortable seating and a Western-style drinks menu .

  28. 西式火腿切面渗水及其关键控制点的研究

    Research on seeping of western-style ham section and critical control point

  29. 燕麦麸在西式香肠中的应用

    The Application and Research on Oat Brain in Western Style Sausage

  30. 粉末油脂在西式肉制品中的应用

    Research on the application of fat powder in western-style meat products