
  1. 他似乎是孤零零一个人,在这茫茫大千之中孑然一身。

    He seemed absolutely alone in the universe .

  2. 这座悬挂在两个山顶之间的透明人行桥将会花费400多万英镑,由曾经在一次设计竞赛中胜出的马丁·杜普兰蒂尔建筑师事务所(MDA)和大千景观建筑师事务所设计。

    The transparent footbridge , suspended high between two mountain-tops , will cost over 4 million pounds to build and has been created by Martin Duplantier Architectes ( MDA ) and Daqian Landscape Architects , who won a design competition .

  3. 梦中冥冥有乐趣,觉后空空无大千。

    Have fun , and I dream gone after no empty universe .

  4. 后出家为僧,法号大千,所以世人也称其为“大千居士”。

    After the monk , monks , so the method number fills in the " laymen " explanation .

  5. 《红楼梦》鲜活完整地摹现出了清中期满洲贵族现实生存及精神世界的大千样况。

    The practical living and the spiritual world of the aristocracy in the middle of Qing Dynasty were presented vividly and completely in the Dream of the Red Chamber .

  6. 是大自然的魔笔,还是造物主的神笔?如此恣意浓浓淡淡,把大千染上了奇妙的缤纷色彩。

    Is it the magic pen of the Nature or the mystic brush of the Creator that so willfully and unscrupulously in thick or light colours dye the great universe wonderfully ?

  7. 作为山水画的客体世界就是山川林木之大千自然之象,人和自然的关系始终是艺术创造与美学探讨的重大问题。

    As the object of landscape painting is the world of nature which mountains trees like , the relationship between man and nature is always artistic creation and aesthetic discusses major issues .