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  1. 白榴石一种白色或灰色的钾铝硅酸盐矿物。

    A white or gray mineral of potassium aluminum silicate , KAlSi2O6 .

  2. 我的心早就跟石一。

    There was a stone where my heart should be .

  3. 介绍了粗颗粒选择性渗透水泥石一次选择性渗透能力的实现方法。

    The method of realizing selective permeability for cemented stone with big grain and selective permeation is introduced .

  4. 如果我敲击打火石一次,那只眼睛有茶杯般大的狗就会出现,并且为我带来铜币;

    If I strike the flint once , that dog with eyes as big as tea cups will appear and bring me copper coins .

  5. 单独一个国家已不再可能成为一个强大而安全的堡垒石一个民族如果为自己寻求这种避难所,只不过是作茧自缚而已。

    No nation can longer be a fortress , lone and strong and safe . And any people , seeking such shelter for themselves , can now build only their own prison .

  6. 在主拱顶上雕有龙头的龙问石一块,八瓣莲花的仰天石点缀于桥侧。这些雕像,寄寓着大桥不受水害,长存永安的愿望。

    The sculpture of a dragon head on the top of the main arc and the Yangtianshi at the side of the bridge in the shape of a nine-petal lily expresses the wish that the bridge will be spare from the damage of floods and lasting forever safely .

  7. 绿帘石是一种能在UHP变质峰值期稳定存在的含水矿物。

    Epidote is one of the water-bearing minerals which can keep stable during peak ultra-high pressure ( UHP ) metamorphism .

  8. 片钠铝石是一种对油田开发有害的酸敏性矿物,其形成于碱性条件时需要大量的CO2及富含钠铝硅酸盐矿物及有一定孔隙空间的储层;

    The dawsonite is a mineral sensitive to acidic substance , it requires alkali conditions to develop , in formation with much CO_2 and the reservoir containing much silicate mineral rich in sodium and aluminum , and containing certain pore space .

  9. 鸟粪石是一种难溶于水的白色晶体,其主要成分是六水合磷酸铵镁(MgNH4PO4·6H2O)。

    Struvite [ MgNH_4PO_4 · 6H_2O ] is a white inorganic crystalline which is insoluble in water .

  10. 观赏石是一种商品性旅游地质资源。

    Ornamental stones is a commodity and tourism geology resources .

  11. 双侧微创经皮肾取石术一期治疗双肾铸型结石(附28例报告)

    Simultaneous bilateral minimally invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy ( report of 28 cases )

  12. 硅灰石是一种性能优良的塑料增强改性填料。

    Wollastonite is a fine-property plastics filler of reinforcing modification .

  13. 魔法石是一种具有超凡魔力的传奇物品。

    The Philosopher 's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers .

  14. 铁矿石全球一个价是荒唐的。

    The idea of a global price for iron ore is ridiculous .

  15. 打火石是一种很古老的点火方式。

    And flint is an ancient way of lighting fires .

  16. 二连石&一种含铁和钒的硅酸盐新矿物

    Erlianite , a new vanadium and iron silicate mineral

  17. 对17万吨澳大利亚铁矿石的一份出价对上述价格构成了支撑。

    A tender for 170,000 tonnes of Australian iron ore supported the price .

  18. 累托石是一种罕见的新型非金属矿产资源。

    Rectorite is a rare new-type nonmetallic minerals resource .

  19. 涂氏磷钙石:一种磷酸盐高压相新矿物

    Tuite : A new high - pressure phosphate mineral

  20. 上等的雨花石是一种玛瑙。

    The first-class Yu-hua-shi is a kind of agate .

  21. 硅灰石&一种新兴的工业矿物

    Wollastonite ─ one type of new industrial minerals

  22. 凹凸棒石是一种层联状结构粘土矿物,由于其特殊的结构特征而具有极强的选择吸附能力。

    Palygorskite is a kind of ore with special structure and strong absorption capability .

  23. 这对磨刀石是一个机会你多种方法的参与。

    This is an opportunity to hone your participation in a variety of ways .

  24. 其实,弗雷斯诺只是个垫脚石下一站,密尔沃基

    Well , Fresno is just a stepping stone . Next stop , Milwaukee .

  25. 铜矿石是一种通常具有鲜艳颜色的矿物。

    Copper ores are generally brightly coloured minerals which would be attractive as applied decoration .

  26. 石英石是一种常见于我国的黄金时,寻找黄金。

    Quartz is a stone commonly found in the Gold country when looking for gold .

  27. 金、石作为一种文献载体,先秦时期即已存在。

    As a literature carrier , bronze and stone had existed in the pre-Qin period .

  28. 本文主要对马坝人头骨化石作一较详细的描述。

    This article focuses on the detailed description of the skull fossil of the Maba Man .

  29. 蓝虎眼石有一项很特别的功能,就是可以加快事物的形成。

    Blue tiger 's eye has a very special function , which can accelerate the things .

  30. 然而仅隔两公里之遥、更为古老的矿业城镇&金瓜石却是一片沉静与死寂。

    But Chinkuashi , an older mining town just two kilometers away , remains still and silent .