
  1. 文章分为三个部分:第一部分主要论述了李渔家居美学思想产生的原因:明朝的经济的变化是形成其思想的外在原因,李渔的人生经历则是形成其思想的直接原因。

    This paper is divided into three parts : part one mainly discusses the cause of Li Yu 's domestic aesthetics .

  2. 明朝宗藩制度的建立对明朝的政治、经济以及整个社会的方方面面都产生着深远的影响。

    Imperial clan system of Ming Dynasty affects political , economy and all aspects of social life deeply .

  3. 与此同时,明朝私人海外贸易的发展也给明朝政治、经济、和社会生活等多方面带来了重要的影响。

    At the same time , the Ming Dynasty development of the private overseas trade also give the Ming Dynasty political , economic and social activities etc brought the society important influence in many ways .