
  • 网络sterling crisis;pound crisis
  1. 到12月份,选民开始变得与投资者一样,担心公共开支猛增及其可能引发的英镑危机。

    Then , in December , voters caught up with investor concerns about the steep rise in public spending and the possibility of a sterling crisis that this entailed .

  2. 金融危机中,几个欧洲银行家联手帮助英镑渡过危机。

    During the monetary crisis , several European bankers rallied to the support of the pound .

  3. 而3个月后,布朗面临着银行业、英镑汇率和财政危机这三重威胁。

    Three months later , Mr Brown faces the triple threat of a banking , currency and fiscal crisis .

  4. 二十世纪九十年代,对冲基金象一个看不见的幽灵在国际金融市场上徘徊&1992年对冲基金攻击英镑,造成英镑危机;

    In 1990s , hedge fund like an unseen " ghost " hounded in the international financial market In 1992 hedge fund attacked pound , leading to " Bound Crisis " .