
  • Computer Software;PC software;Photoshop
  1. 我们没有钱来更新我们的电脑软件。

    We do not have the resources to update our computer software .

  2. 公司可提供性价比很高的电脑软件。

    S G offers great buys on computer software . S G

  3. 最新电脑软件将在展览会上展出。

    The latest software will be on parade at the exhibition .

  4. 学习HTML(或别的电脑软件程序)

    4 . Learn HTML ( or another computer software program )

  5. 提供从HTML到Excel一切电脑软件教学,学费也很便宜。

    Offers computer software tutorials in everything from HTML to Excel for a low monthly fee .

  6. 黑客利用电脑软件的漏洞侵入ATM,盗走不同银行帐号里的钱。

    Hackers breaking into ATM machines through holes of computer software , stealing money from variety of Bank Accounts .

  7. 能否开发出电脑软件,以便染色条件(pH值、染色温度和时间)改变时能计算出相应的配方?

    Can , at least , PC software be developed which enables recipe calculation under changing dyeing conditions ( pH , dyeing temperature , and time )?

  8. 其实这也不是什么正当理由,因为,作为一个几近垄断的个人电脑软件平台,其网络效应已经让Windows不容易改变了。

    This is not really an excuse , since Windows has become entrenched by the network effect of being a near-monopoly software platform for personal computers .

  9. 用电脑软件MATLAB编程绘出求得包络线方程的曲线,从理论上证明本文所推导方程的可靠性;

    Through draw the curve of wrap-up line equation with MATLAB program of computer software . I prove the dependability of the equation in theory ;

  10. 谷歌(Google)周二推出了自己的网络浏览器,堪称其对微软(Microsoft)电脑软件霸主地位发起的迄今最直接的挑战。

    Google is to release its own internet browser in what amounts to its most direct attack yet on Microsoft 's dominance of PC software .

  11. 通过安装监测员工上网活动的电脑软件,我们能够防止员工浪费时间,培养C公司的良好素质以及提高我们整个的利益。

    By installing software to detect employees'Internet use on company computers , we can prevent employees from wasting time , foster a better work ethic at Climpson , and improve our overall profits .

  12. 生产细节,最终版的手稿及其规格说明,或相类似。使用专门的电脑软件(CAD)制作设计说明书,包括部件列单和成本计算。

    Producing detailed , final hand drawings and specifications or , more likely , using dedicated computer software ( CAD ) to produce design specifications , including parts lists and costings ;

  13. 不过,我们还需要一个关键要素:一个可以显示以HTML标准创建的文件、并可以响应基于HTTP与URL标准通信指令的电脑软件。

    But there was still one key element missing : a piece of desktop software to display documents created using HTML , and respond to the communications instructions based on HTTP and URL .

  14. 本系统数据采集软件基于WINDOWSCE掌上电脑软件,更适合现场使用,并使用了网络平差技术,确保了盘煤结果的准确性。

    The field data collection system is based on the Windows CE Pocket PC , by using the network adjustment for the control point surveying , the more precision measurement for coal stockpile can be achieved .

  15. 在1990年我为工作搬家去了弗罗里达,做的是为一个硬件销售商销售电脑软件,他拥有早期的Avid系统。

    In1990 I moved to Florida for a job selling computer software for a hardware dealer who had an early system of the Avid .

  16. 应用弹力纤维染色及电脑软件分析系统,测量其狭窄程度,并根据其狭窄程度将其分为3组(A组:<50%;B组:50%~75%;C组:>75%)。

    The stenosis degree was measured by elastic fibers straining and software analysis system . Then according to the degree , they were divided into 3 groups ( A : < 50 % ; B : 50 % ~ 75 % ; C : > 75 % ) .

  17. Millan教授表示,科学家一直在对电脑软件进行改进,使他们能够识别大脑信号,然后转化为简单的指令。

    Professor Millan says scientists keep improving the computer software that identifies brain signals and simple commands .

  18. 作者在本文中结合大量亲身实践来探讨液化(电脑软件Photoshop的变形工具)与平面美术相结合的可能性和可行性。

    In this thesis , with the rich personal experience , the author probes into the possibility and feasibility of applying the liquefaction , the deforming tool of Photoshop , to the creation of planar arts .

  19. “我们可能会调整加亮区,对于在光线下显得太白,几乎看不清细节的区域——比如枕头,我们会减弱亮度。”然而,这需要一些电脑软件专业知识,比如Photoshop。

    We may have adjusted the highlights or toned down some of the areas that have been almost bleached with light and lost their detail - the pillows for example , ' says Glenda . This can take some expert know-how however , using computer programs like PhotoShop . '

  20. 你能否帮我安装这个电脑软件?

    Could you help to install this computer software for me ?

  21. 综合噪音模拟电脑软件〔美国联邦航空管理局〕

    Integrated Noise Model [ Federal Aviation Administration , United States ]

  22. 你对何种电脑软件具有应用知识?

    I.What kind of software do you have working knowledge of ?

  23. 这家公司迅速成为一家电脑软件的主要出口商。

    This company is fast becoming a major exporter of computer software .

  24. 电脑软件尤其是会计软件系统领会能力强;

    A strong aptitude for computer software , particularly accounting software systems ;

  25. 基于硬盘保护的机房电脑软件维护研究

    Research on Computer Lab Computerized Software Maintenance Based on Hard Disk Protection

  26. 1976年以后,经修改的法案新增了与电脑软件相关的条款,

    Since 1976 the act has been amended to include computer software ,

  27. 而且我还喜欢研究各种电脑软件。

    And I also like to study a variety of computer software .

  28. 在学习过程中需要用电脑软件来阐释概念并提供手工操作实践。

    Computer software is used to illustrate concepts and provide hands-on experience .

  29. 杰西卡:你会使用哪些电脑软件程序?

    Jessica : What kind of software can you use ?

  30. 接着,她运用一个电脑软件自己听写了这部分内容。

    And then she used computer software and had a dictation by herself .