
  • 网络Dari
  1. 卫生部在世卫组织的支持下,已根据阿富汗的情况改编了世卫组织计划生育指南,并将它们翻译成本国语言:达里语和普什图语。

    The health ministry has adapted WHO family planning guidelines to the Afghan situation , with the support of WHO , and translated them into national languages , Dari and Pashto .

  2. 瑞典军队翻译学院的科学家们研究了该校学生的大脑。这个学校要求学生以惊人的速度学习一门新的语言,要求他们在13个月内必须熟练掌握阿拉伯语、俄语和波斯方言达里语。

    Scientists studied the brains of students in the Swedish Armed Forces Interpreter Academy , who are required to learn new languages at an alarmingly fast rate . Many must become fluent in Arabic , Russian and the Persian dialect Dari in just 13 months .

  3. 她精通英语,达里语,还有阿富汗方言波斯语。

    She is fluent in both English and Dari , the Afghan dialect of Farsi .

  4. 达里语的元音系统和波斯语不同,且达里语有附加的辅音。

    The vowel system of Dari differs from that of Farsi , and Dari also has additional consonants .