
guǒ gǎn
  • courageous and resolute
果敢 [guǒ gǎn]
  • [courageous and resolute] 当机立断,敢作敢为

  • 毛主席指挥全军,以机动果敢的行动,迅速回师桐梓,摆脱敌人。--《遵义会议的光芒》

果敢[guǒ gǎn]
  1. 他已经采取了果敢的行动。

    He has taken courageous and resolute action .

  2. 洪森思维敏捷,分析能力强,认真务实,作风果敢。

    Hun Sen is a man with smart thoughts , strong abilities of analysis , and practical , earnest , courageous and resolute style .

  3. 我总是为果敢坚毅的女性所吸引。

    I 've always been drawn to tough , gutsy women

  4. 她果敢地跳入水中,救起溺水的孩子。

    Without hesitation , she leapt into the water and saved the drowning child .

  5. 在果敢自信训练班上,角色扮演是个重要内容。

    Role playing is an important element in assertiveness training .

  6. 他不是果敢地去面对困难,而是抱怨自己运气不佳。

    He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties .

  7. 他的果敢使他通过了战斗考验。

    His resoluteness carried him through the battle .

  8. 只因感恩与自信,让我们变得更加果敢与坚强。

    Just because of the bestowal and self-confidence , we become stronger and more courageous .

  9. 她通过这身VeraWang设计的超低胸性感婚纱,果敢打破“新娘要自重”这一传统偏见。

    Her body through the low bosom Vera Wang design sexy dress and courageous break " bride self-respect " this traditional prejudice .

  10. 美联储这次所采取的行动在形式上与前两轮QE大致相符,但更加果敢。

    The form of the action taken by the Fed is broadly consistent with its previous attempts at QE – but bolder .

  11. 欧洲央行(ECB)昨日加强了其应对欧洲大陆严重衰退的努力。该央行宣布比预期更为果敢的举措,拟通过购买资产和历史低位的利率,来促进增长。

    European central banks yesterday intensified their efforts to combat the continent 's severe recession by unveiling bolder-than-expected moves to buy assets and boost growth through historically-low interest rates .

  12. 这个词的创造者,美国BGCFinancial投资公司首席全球策略师、金融衍生工具研究主管迈克尔•普尔夫斯解释说,跟牛和熊相比而言,狼的体型更小,但动作迅速,决断果敢。

    Its coiner , Michael Purves , chief global strategist and head of derivatives research at BGC Financial said a wolf is clearly a smaller animal than a bull or a bear , but it 's very quick and decisive .

  13. 卡特尔16项个性因素问卷次级因素的比较:在学期末,观察组在怯弱与果敢型、创造能力个性因素得分明显高于学期初(P0.01)。

    Comparison of the secondary factors in 16PF : In the study group , the scores of cowardice , courage and creation were significantly higher at the end of the semester than at the beginning of the semester ( P 0.01 ) .

  14. 在通过MPDF发表的声明中,果敢军方表示,政府施压,要求它参加明年在缅甸举行的选举边境安全部队。

    In a statement issued through the MPDF , the Kokang army said the government was pressuring it to join a border security force before Myanmar 's elections scheduled for next year .

  15. 照他说来,那是他特有的果敢。

    That is his sort of bravery , he says .

  16. 威严高贵,果敢逐梦。

    Is dignity nobility , resolute and courageous pursue dream .

  17. 他英勇果敢有余,但用兵计谋不足。

    Lily : He was brave enough but lack of strategic planning .

  18. 世界领导人必须勇敢迎接挑战,采取果敢行动。

    World leaders must rise to the challenge and take bold action .

  19. 他是一个果敢的领导。

    He is a leader with courage and determination .

  20. 全球化扩张或许是小米最果敢的一步。

    Global expansion is perhaps Xiaomi 's boldest step .

  21. 20将果敢迎接这些不同寻常的挑战吗?

    Will the G20 rise to these exceptional challenges ?

  22. 现有经济形势要求我们果敢而迅速地采取行动。

    The state of our economy calls for action : bold and swift .

  23. 你的落笔会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果敢的?

    Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or bold ?

  24. 感谢收看“怎样更加果敢决断”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Be Assertive .

  25. 自信的女性妙不可言,她们勇敢独立、坚强果敢。

    Confident women are amazing , brave , independent , strong and assertive .

  26. 心灵最高尚的,也总是最果敢的。

    The best hearts are always the bravest .

  27. 果敢自信的交往方式的学习包括做到为人诚实、坦率和直言不讳。

    Learning to communicate assertively involves learning to be honest , open and direct .

  28. 他为人果敢,而我作为经理,缺得正是这一点。

    He has great determination and courage which I need badly as a manager .

  29. 一方面是果敢的“个人”受尽无限痛苦,

    The immense suffering of the bold individual ,

  30. 一位果敢而有远见之明的男人。

    A man possessed of determination and vision .