
  • 网络Jam and bread;Jam Bread
  1. 欧洲大陆式早餐(仅有咖啡和果酱面包)。

    Continental breakfast ( light breakfast typically consisting only of coffee and rolls with jam )

  2. 我给他们端上可可茶和果酱面包,我想这能帮助他们抵御外面的风寒。

    I served them cocoa and toast with jam to fortify against the chill outside .

  3. 椒盐脆饼,德国啤酒面包,法兰克福面包,软辊面包,硬卷面包,全麦面包,杂粮面包,黄油什锦果酱面包,盐渍面包棒,盐渍迷你饼干。

    Pretzel , German beer bread , Frankfurt bread , soft roll , hard roll , whole wheat bread , multigrain bread Portion butter and assorted jams , salted bread sticks , salted mini pretzel .

  4. “我儿子回来了,”她会这么说,并催我去厨房吃一块果酱面包,喝一杯阿华田,“今天过得怎么样,亨利?”

    " Theres my boy ," she would say , and whisk me to the kitchen for a snack of jam and bread and a cup of Ovaltine . " How was your day today , Henry ?"

  5. 这次他的表打败了石英表所带来的喜悦不亚于孩提时代他修过的家里的壁钟突然爆炸,弹簧和玻璃蹦得到处都是带给孩子的惊喜,而那时全家人正围着餐桌吃果酱面包呢。

    His happiness at beating quartz came close to his boyhood joy when a wall-clock he had mended magnificently exploded , springs and glass everywhere , as the family ate their bread and jam at the supper table .

  6. 母亲看了女儿几秒钟,然后说道,“露茜,我跟你一样大的时候,总是吃黄油面包,或者果酱面包,从来没有吃过黄油果酱面包。”

    Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said , " When I was a small girl like you , Lucy , I was always given either bread and butter , or bread and jam , but never bread with butter and jam .

  7. 让我们买点果酱涂在面包上。

    Let 's buy some jam to spread on the bread .

  8. 她把果酱涂在面包上。

    She spread jam on the toast .

  9. 我们用羹匙把果酱抹在面包上,再把面包对折,做成果酱三文治。

    We spooned jelly onto bread and folded it over into sandwiches .

  10. 伊朗早餐&特色就是这些抹了黄油和果酱的烤饼面包。

    Breakfast in Iran & it usually features some sort of naan bread with butter and jam .

  11. 在果酱中加入面包屑,小火煮,用木质汤匙煮饼干,直到化软。

    Add crumbled amaretti to syrup and cook over low heat , crushing cookies with back of a wooden spoon , until melted into a coarse pur é e.

  12. 研究人员检测了8位健康女性吃完两种早餐后的燃脂率:一天是牛奶拌穆兹利混合麦片、桃、酸奶和苹果汁,另一天是脱脂牛奶拌玉米片、涂抹人造奶油和果酱的白面包和能量饮料。

    Researchers assessed the rate of fat burn among eight healthy women after they ate two breakfasts : muesli with milk , peaches , yogurt and apple juice on one day ; cornflakes with skim milk , white bread with margarine and jam and an energy drink on another day .

  13. 我要用它把果酱抹在烤面包上。

    I need it to put the jam on my toast .

  14. 黄色的牛油,紫色的果冻,红色的果酱,黑色的面包。

    Yellow butter , purple jelly , red jam , black bread .