
  1. 引发剂AIBN的最佳用量为1.0克/100克单体;

    The optimum content of initiator AIBN in 100g monomer is 1.0g .

  2. 克垒克,下周开始休假了,干什么呢?

    Greg , starting next week is vacation , what you doing to do ?

  3. 闪烁液的浓度是36克ppo+0.6克popop/升二甲苯。

    The scintillator has 36 g PPO + 0.6 g POPOP dissolved in one liter of Xylene .

  4. 三种细菌农药中,爱诺琏宝对8个菌株抑制效果明显,并且随着浓度的增大抑菌效果增强,菌必克和克菌宝无抑制作用。

    Among the three bactericides , one had clear effect to inhibit bacteria and the effect became better with the concentration increasing , while others had no effect .

  5. 机洗:按衣物取适量净洗液(每件约10克-20克)倒入洗衣机内,按正常洗衣方法漂洗即可。

    Machine washing : pour proper laundry detergent according to the amount of clothing ( Apply approx.10 grams to20 grams ) in the , and then rinse them in standard washing way .

  6. 低温恒温15分钟和15小时,分别于0.28和0.26克/克下观察到熔融峰。

    The melting peaks of ice were observed at the water contents of about 0.28 and 0.26 g / g after keeping the samples at 210 K for 15 min and 15 hrs , respectively .

  7. 取小鼠54只,采取自身对照的方法,按0.3克/100克体重由腹腔注入灵芝的总提取物后,结果能明显地降低其整体的耗氧量。

    In another study 54 mice were taken for self-comparison . An intraperitoneal injection of 0.3g/100g body weight of alcoholic extract of Ganoderma resulted in a significant decrease of the oxygen consumption of the whole body .

  8. 他们的答案从20克到500克不等。

    Their answers were different , from 20g to 500g .

  9. 测出克拉玛依油田九区克A和克B稠油中各含氨基酸总量分别为11.6和74.1mg/kg(原油)。

    Total content of aminoacid in Ke A heavy oil and Ke B heavy oil in District No. 9 of Karamay oilfield is measured at 11.6 g / kg and 74.1g / kg , respectively .

  10. 黑龙江省小麦品系克90-513和克90-514是一对形态和农艺性状极其相近的姊妹系,两者的A-PAGE图谱相同。

    Ke 90-513 and Ke 90-514 are sister lines . They are very much similar on morphological and agronomic characters . Both of them are the same in electrophoregram of A-PAGE .

  11. 吸附量可达12&14克SO2/100克催化剂。

    The adsorption capacity was 12-14 g SO2 / 100g catalyst .

  12. 原料:600克南瓜300克牛奶白糖

    Recipe : Pumpkin 600 grams Milk 300 grams Sugar

  13. 大约300克至400克添加了果胶的蜜饯糖

    Approx. 300 – 400g preserving sugar with added pectin

  14. 人体每天需要摄入25克至30克纤维。

    The human body needs 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day .

  15. 初步认为箭载碘化银的剂量以载4克和2克为好。

    A preliminary study suggests that 4 grams or 2 grams of AgI is desirable .

  16. 多少克?900克。

    How many grams ? 900 grams .

  17. 原料:600克南瓜20克玉米面20克粘米粉白糖

    Recipe : Pumpkin 600 grams Corn meal 20 grams Glutinous rice flour 20 grams Sugar

  18. 莴笋250克青菜300克藕300克

    asparagus lettuce 250g , lotus 300g

  19. 花椒15克白糖25克

    Chinese prickly ash 15g sugar 25g

  20. 普通的美国人平均每天消耗的糖分在四分之一磅到半磅(约合110克至220克)之间。

    The average American consumes anywhere from a quarter to a half pound of sugar a day .

  21. 精盐10克味精5克

    salt 10g monosodium glutamate 5g

  22. 复合催化剂具有较高的活性,活性高达3000克聚乙烯/克催化剂(9.0bar聚合压力),且复合催化剂的动力学可调。

    Composite catalyst has high activity ( 3000 g polyethylene / g catalyst ) ( 9.0 bar pressure ) .

  23. 施罗特说,每粒可维亚胶囊或每包可维亚粉含有20克至25克儿茶素;

    It contains 20 to 25 milligrams of epicatechin per capsule or packet of powder , Dr. Schroeter said ;

  24. 大部分手机重量在50克到80克之间,大约250部手机可以托运,另外120部放进手提行李。

    With most handsets weighing between 50g and 80g , about 250 mobile phones can go in the hold and another 120 in hand luggage .

  25. 施罗特说,每粒可维亚胶囊或每包可维亚粉含有20克至25克儿茶素;每30包34.96美元。

    It contains 20 to 25 milligrams of epicatechin per capsule or packet of powder , Dr. Schroeter said ; 30 packets cost $ 34.95 .

  26. 分别摄入乳糖量25克、12.5克,乳糖酶缺乏检出率均在二小时后最高,差异显著;

    The positive rate of lactase deficiency test was highest on the second hour when 25g or 12.5g lactose was given , and the difference was significant .

  27. 食品标准机构建议人们每天摄入的盐量不要超过5克或6克,然而,大部分人每天的摄入量超过该数值的两倍还多。

    The foods Standards Agency recommends people not to eat any more than 5-6 grams of salt a day , yet most people eat more than double this amount .

  28. 大量饮酒(指饮用60克或60克以上纯酒精)是有害饮酒模式的一个主要特点。

    One of the key characteristics of the hazardous pattern of drinking is the presence of heavy drinking occasions , defined as consumptions of60 or more grams of pure alcohol .

  29. 方法选取链状橡皮圈30个,随机分为3组,每组10个,3组试样分别负载100克、150克和200克。

    Methods The selection elastomeric chain thirty , divide randomly into three groups randomly , each group of ten , every group distinction load 100 grams , 150 grams and 200 grams .

  30. 第一步选用8~14月龄母犊12头,分4组,分别饲喂不同量的棉籽饼,折日喂游离棉酚5.8克,3.9克,2.9克和0克;

    At the first step twelve 8-14-month-old heifers were selected and divided into 4 groups , fed with different amounts of cottonseed meal corresponding to 5.8 , 3.9 , 2.9 and 0 grams of free-gossypol a day .